Package-level declarations


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Indicates this class is able to open the app's settings.

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class Camera1Adapter(activity: Activity, previewView: ViewGroup, minimumResolution: Size, cameraErrorListener: CameraErrorListener, startWithBackCamera: Boolean = true) : CameraAdapter<CameraPreviewImage<Bitmap>> , Camera.PreviewCallback

A CameraAdapter that uses android's Camera 1 APIs to show previews and process images.

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Indicates this class is able to check camera permission and handles the results accordingly.

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data class CameraPreviewImage<ImageType>(val image: ImageType, val viewBounds: Rect)
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class CameraXAdapter(activity: Activity, previewView: ViewGroup, minimumResolution: Size, cameraErrorListener: CameraErrorListener, startWithBackCamera: Boolean = true) : CameraAdapter<CameraPreviewImage<Bitmap>>

CameraAdaptor implementation with CameraX, should be used in favor or Camera1Adapter.

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A basic implementation that displays error messages when there is a problem with the camera.