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abstract suspend fun confirmAndAuthenticateAlipay(confirmPaymentIntentParams: ConfirmPaymentIntentParams, authenticator: AlipayAuthenticator, requestOptions: ApiRequest.Options): Result<PaymentIntentResult>

Confirm a Alipay PaymentIntent, authenticate it and return the PaymentIntent.

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abstract suspend fun confirmWeChatPay(confirmPaymentIntentParams: ConfirmPaymentIntentParams, requestOptions: ApiRequest.Options): Result<WeChatPayNextAction>

Confirm the Stripe Intent for WeChat Pay, return WeChat Pay params from intent's next action

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abstract suspend fun getAuthenticateSourceResult(data: Intent): Result<Source>

Get the Source's client_secret from data and use to retrieve the Source object with updated status.

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Get the PaymentIntent's client_secret from data and use to retrieve the PaymentIntent object with updated status.

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abstract suspend fun getSetupIntentResult(data: Intent): Result<SetupIntentResult>

Get the SetupIntent's client_secret from data and use to retrieve the SetupIntent object with updated status.

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abstract suspend fun handleNextAction(host: AuthActivityStarterHost, stripeIntent: StripeIntent, requestOptions: ApiRequest.Options)

Determine which authentication mechanism should be used, or bypass authentication if it is not needed.

Register the ActivityResultLaunchers with the new ActivityResultCaller and callback.

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abstract fun shouldHandlePaymentResult(requestCode: Int, data: Intent?): Boolean

Decide whether getPaymentIntentResult should be called.

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abstract fun shouldHandleSetupResult(requestCode: Int, data: Intent?): Boolean

Decide whether getSetupIntentResult should be called.

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abstract fun shouldHandleSourceResult(requestCode: Int, data: Intent?): Boolean

Decide whether getAuthenticateSourceResult should be called.

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abstract suspend fun startAuth(host: AuthActivityStarterHost, clientSecret: String, requestOptions: ApiRequest.Options, type: PaymentController.StripeIntentType)
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abstract suspend fun startAuthenticateSource(host: AuthActivityStarterHost, source: Source, requestOptions: ApiRequest.Options)
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abstract suspend fun startConfirmAndAuth(host: AuthActivityStarterHost, confirmStripeIntentParams: ConfirmStripeIntentParams, requestOptions: ApiRequest.Options)

Confirm the Stripe Intent and resolve any next actions

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abstract fun unregisterLaunchers()

Unregister the ActivityResultLaunchers, releasing the reference to Activity or Fragment.