Package-level declarations


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data class Amount(val value: Long, val currencyCode: String) : Parcelable

This class represents the long value amount to charge and the currency code of the amount.

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data class BillingDetailsCollectionConfiguration(val collectName: Boolean = false, val collectEmail: Boolean = false, val collectPhone: Boolean = false, val address: BillingDetailsCollectionConfiguration.AddressCollectionMode = AddressCollectionMode.Automatic) : Parcelable
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This class converts the fields in a form into a structure as defined by a map.


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fun CircularProgressIndicator(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, color: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary, strokeWidth: Dp = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.StrokeWidth, backgroundColor: Color = Color.Transparent, strokeCap: StrokeCap = StrokeCap.Butt)
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fun FormUI(hiddenIdentifiers: Set<IdentifierSpec>, enabled: Boolean, elements: List<FormElement>, lastTextFieldIdentifier: IdentifierSpec?, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)
fun FormUI(hiddenIdentifiersFlow: StateFlow<Set<IdentifierSpec>>, enabledFlow: StateFlow<Boolean>, elementsFlow: StateFlow<List<FormElement>>, lastTextFieldIdentifierFlow: StateFlow<IdentifierSpec?>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)