Package-level declarations


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class APIConnectionException(message: String? = null, cause: Throwable? = null) : StripeException

An Exception that represents a failure to connect to Stripe's API.

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class APIException(val stripeError: StripeError? = null, val requestId: String? = null, val statusCode: Int = 0, message: String? = stripeError?.message, cause: Throwable? = null) : StripeException

An Exception that represents an internal problem with Stripe's servers.

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class AuthenticationException constructor(val stripeError: StripeError, val requestId: String? = null) : StripeException

No valid API key provided.

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class GenericStripeException(cause: Throwable, analyticsValue: String? = null) : StripeException
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class InvalidRequestException(val stripeError: StripeError? = null, val requestId: String? = null, val statusCode: Int = 0, message: String? = stripeError?.message, cause: Throwable? = null) : StripeException

A StripeException indicating that invalid parameters were used in a request.

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class InvalidResponseException(val stripeError: StripeError? = null, val requestId: String? = null, val statusCode: Int = 0, message: String? = stripeError?.message, cause: Throwable? = null) : StripeException

A StripeException indicating that invalid parameters were used in a response. E.g when the response contains a null field that shouldn't be null, or contains an unknown Enum value that's not defined in the SDK.

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class LocalStripeException(val displayMessage: String?, val analyticsValue: String?) : StripeException
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An Exception that represents max retry is reached when making a request.

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class PermissionException(val stripeError: StripeError, val requestId: String? = null) : StripeException

A type of AuthenticationException resulting from incorrect permissions to perform the requested action.

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class RateLimitException(val stripeError: StripeError? = null, val requestId: String? = null, message: String? = stripeError?.message, cause: Throwable? = null) : StripeException

An Exception indicating that too many requests have hit the API too quickly.

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abstract class StripeException(val stripeError: StripeError? = null, val requestId: String? = null, val statusCode: Int = DEFAULT_STATUS_CODE, cause: Throwable? = null, message: String? = stripeError?.message) : Exception

A base class for Stripe-related exceptions.
