Package-level declarations
Only common analytics field keys should be declared within this object.
Analytics request sent to, which is a legacy analytics service used mostly by Payment SDK, analytics are saved in a shared DB table with payment-specific schema.
Analytics request sent to, which is the preferred service for analytics. This is a POST request with MimeType.Form ContentType.
Factory to generate AnalyticsRequestV2, can be optionally configured to add the following standard SDK specific parameters. os_version - Android version sdk_platform - always "android" sdk_version - current SDK version device_type - MANUFACTURER, brand and model app_name - the host application name app_version - the host app version plugin_type - whether SDK is integrated natively or through other wrappers(e.g react native) platform_info - information about current platform
A class representing a Stripe API or Analytics request.
Factory to create StripeConnection, which encapsulates an HttpsURLConnection, triggers the request and parses the response with different body type as StripeResponse.
A StripeRequest for uploading a file using MimeType.MultipartForm.
Factory for HTTP request query strings, converts a Map of into a query string like "?p1=v1&p2=v2"
A wrapper for accessing a HttpURLConnection. Implements Closeable to simplify closing related resources.
HTTP client to execute different types of StripeRequest and return StripeResponse.
A class representing a request to a Stripe-owned service.
Represents a response from the Stripe servers. Upon receiving the HTTP response, its body is parsed into ResponseBody, such as a String or a File.
If the SDK receives a "Too Many Requests" (429) status code from Stripe, it will automatically retry the request using exponential backoff.
Convert a JsonElement to a Map
Convert a JsonObject to a Map
Convert all elements of an array to their equivalent kotlin primitives.
Recursively convert a JsonElement to its equivalent primitive kotlin values.