Package-level declarations


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interface AnalyticsEvent
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Only common analytics field keys should be declared within this object.

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data class AnalyticsRequest(val params: Map<String, *>, val headers: Map<String, String>) : StripeRequest

Analytics request sent to, which is a legacy analytics service used mostly by Payment SDK, analytics are saved in a shared DB table with payment-specific schema.

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open class AnalyticsRequestFactory(packageManager: PackageManager?, packageInfo: PackageInfo?, packageName: String, publishableKeyProvider: Provider<String>, networkTypeProvider: Provider<String?>, pluginTypeProvider: Provider<String?> = PLUGIN_TYPE_PROVIDER)
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data class AnalyticsRequestV2 : StripeRequest

Analytics request sent to, which is the preferred service for analytics. This is a POST request with MimeType.Form ContentType.

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class AnalyticsRequestV2Factory(context: Context, clientId: String, origin: String, pluginType: String = PluginDetector.pluginType ?: PLUGIN_NATIVE)

Factory to generate AnalyticsRequestV2, can be optionally configured to add the following standard SDK specific parameters. os_version - Android version sdk_platform - always "android" sdk_version - current SDK version device_type - MANUFACTURER, brand and model app_name - the host application name app_version - the host app version plugin_type - whether SDK is integrated natively or through other wrappers(e.g react native) platform_info - information about current platform

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A class representing a Stripe API or Analytics request.

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Factory to create StripeConnection, which encapsulates an HttpsURLConnection, triggers the request and parses the response with different body type as StripeResponse.

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class DefaultAnalyticsRequestV2Executor @Inject constructor(application: Application, networkClient: StripeNetworkClient, logger: Logger, storage: AnalyticsRequestV2Storage, isWorkManagerAvailable: IsWorkManagerAvailable) : AnalyticsRequestV2Executor
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class DefaultStripeNetworkClient @JvmOverloads constructor(workContext: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.IO, connectionFactory: ConnectionFactory = ConnectionFactory.Default, retryDelaySupplier: RetryDelaySupplier = ExponentialBackoffRetryDelaySupplier(), maxRetries: Int = DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES, logger: Logger = Logger.noop()) : StripeNetworkClient
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open class FileUploadRequest(fileParams: StripeFileParams, options: ApiRequest.Options, appInfo: AppInfo? = null, boundary: String = createBoundary()) : StripeRequest

A StripeRequest for uploading a file using MimeType.MultipartForm.

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Factory for HTTP request query strings, converts a Map of into a query string like "?p1=v1&p2=v2"

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data class RequestId(val value: String)

The identifier for a Stripe API request.

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class StripeClientUserAgentHeaderFactory(systemPropertySupplier: (String) -> String = DEFAULT_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SUPPLIER)
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A wrapper for accessing a HttpURLConnection. Implements Closeable to simplify closing related resources.

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HTTP client to execute different types of StripeRequest and return StripeResponse.

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abstract class StripeRequest

A class representing a request to a Stripe-owned service.

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data class StripeResponse<ResponseBody>(val code: Int, val body: ResponseBody?, val headers: Map<String, List<String>> = emptyMap())

Represents a response from the Stripe servers. Upon receiving the HTTP response, its body is parsed into ResponseBody, such as a String or a File.


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const val HTTP_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS: Int = 429

If the SDK receives a "Too Many Requests" (429) status code from Stripe, it will automatically retry the request using exponential backoff.


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suspend fun <Response : StripeModel> executeRequestWithModelJsonParser(stripeNetworkClient: StripeNetworkClient, stripeErrorJsonParser: StripeErrorJsonParser, request: StripeRequest, responseJsonParser: ModelJsonParser<Response>): Response
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suspend fun <Response : StripeModel> executeRequestWithResultParser(stripeNetworkClient: StripeNetworkClient, stripeErrorJsonParser: StripeErrorJsonParser, request: StripeRequest, responseJsonParser: ModelJsonParser<Response>): Result<Response>
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fun JsonElement.toMap(): Map<String, *>

Convert a JsonElement to a Map so it's compatible with QueryStringFactory. Note that this only supports JsonObjects currently. Other types will result in an InvalidSerializationException.

fun JsonObject.toMap(): Map<String, *>

Convert a JsonObject to a Map so it's compatible with QueryStringFactory.

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fun JsonArray.toPrimitives(): List<*>

Convert all elements of an array to their equivalent kotlin primitives.

fun JsonElement.toPrimitives(): Any?

Recursively convert a JsonElement to its equivalent primitive kotlin values.