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This specifies how the field should be capitalized

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abstract val debugLabel: String

This is a label for debug logs

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abstract val keyboard: KeyboardType

This is the type of keyboard to use for this field

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abstract val label: Int?

This is the label to describe the field

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abstract val loading: StateFlow<Boolean>
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open val placeHolder: String?
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abstract val trailingIcon: StateFlow<TextFieldIcon?>
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Transformation for changing visual output of the input field.


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abstract fun convertFromRaw(rawValue: String): String

This will convert from a raw value used in the parameter map to a disiplayValue

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abstract fun convertToRaw(displayName: String): String

This will convert the field to a raw value to use in the parameter map

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abstract fun determineState(input: String): TextFieldState

This will determine the state of the field based on the text

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abstract fun filter(userTyped: String): String

This works a little like the input filter, removing pasted characters that are invalid in the case where the keyboard allows more than the allowed characters, or characters are pasted in