Class Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Klarna

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Klarna extends StripeObject
An indication of various EMV functions performed during the transaction.
  • Constructor Details

    • Klarna

      public Klarna()
  • Method Details

    • getPaymentMethodCategory

      public String getPaymentMethodCategory()
      The Klarna payment method used for this transaction. Can be one of pay_later, pay_now, pay_with_financing, or pay_in_installments
    • getPreferredLocale

      public String getPreferredLocale()
      Preferred language of the Klarna authorization page that the customer is redirected to. Can be one of de-AT, en-AT, nl-BE, fr-BE, en-BE, de-DE, en-DE, da-DK, en-DK, es-ES, en-ES, fi-FI, sv-FI, en-FI, en-GB, en-IE, it-IT, en-IT, nl-NL, en-NL, nb-NO, en-NO, sv-SE, en-SE, en-US, es-US, fr-FR, en-FR, cs-CZ, en-CZ, ro-RO, en-RO, el-GR, en-GR, en-AU, en-NZ, en-CA, fr-CA, pl-PL, en-PL, pt-PT, en-PT, de-CH, fr-CH, it-CH, or en-CH
    • setPaymentMethodCategory

      public void setPaymentMethodCategory(String paymentMethodCategory)
      The Klarna payment method used for this transaction. Can be one of pay_later, pay_now, pay_with_financing, or pay_in_installments
    • setPreferredLocale

      public void setPreferredLocale(String preferredLocale)
      Preferred language of the Klarna authorization page that the customer is redirected to. Can be one of de-AT, en-AT, nl-BE, fr-BE, en-BE, de-DE, en-DE, da-DK, en-DK, es-ES, en-ES, fi-FI, sv-FI, en-FI, en-GB, en-IE, it-IT, en-IT, nl-NL, en-NL, nb-NO, en-NO, sv-SE, en-SE, en-US, es-US, fr-FR, en-FR, cs-CZ, en-CZ, ro-RO, en-RO, el-GR, en-GR, en-AU, en-NZ, en-CA, fr-CA, pl-PL, en-PL, pt-PT, en-PT, de-CH, fr-CH, it-CH, or en-CH
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object