Class Subscription.PaymentSettings

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class Subscription.PaymentSettings extends StripeObject
  • Constructor Details

    • PaymentSettings

      public PaymentSettings()
  • Method Details

    • getPaymentMethodOptions

      public Subscription.PaymentSettings.PaymentMethodOptions getPaymentMethodOptions()
      Payment-method-specific configuration to provide to invoices created by the subscription.
    • getPaymentMethodTypes

      public List<String> getPaymentMethodTypes()
      The list of payment method types to provide to every invoice created by the subscription. If not set, Stripe attempts to automatically determine the types to use by looking at the invoice’s default payment method, the subscription’s default payment method, the customer’s default payment method, and your invoice template settings.
    • getSaveDefaultPaymentMethod

      public String getSaveDefaultPaymentMethod()
      Configure whether Stripe updates subscription.default_payment_method when payment succeeds. Defaults to off.

      One of off, or on_subscription.

    • setPaymentMethodOptions

      public void setPaymentMethodOptions(Subscription.PaymentSettings.PaymentMethodOptions paymentMethodOptions)
      Payment-method-specific configuration to provide to invoices created by the subscription.
    • setPaymentMethodTypes

      public void setPaymentMethodTypes(List<String> paymentMethodTypes)
      The list of payment method types to provide to every invoice created by the subscription. If not set, Stripe attempts to automatically determine the types to use by looking at the invoice’s default payment method, the subscription’s default payment method, the customer’s default payment method, and your invoice template settings.
    • setSaveDefaultPaymentMethod

      public void setSaveDefaultPaymentMethod(String saveDefaultPaymentMethod)
      Configure whether Stripe updates subscription.default_payment_method when payment succeeds. Defaults to off.

      One of off, or on_subscription.

    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object