Class Session.SavedPaymentMethodOptions

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class Session.SavedPaymentMethodOptions extends StripeObject
  • Constructor Details

    • SavedPaymentMethodOptions

      public SavedPaymentMethodOptions()
  • Method Details

    • getAllowRedisplayFilters

      public List<String> getAllowRedisplayFilters()
      Uses the allow_redisplay value of each saved payment method to filter the set presented to a returning customer. By default, only saved payment methods with ’allow_redisplay: ‘always’ are shown in Checkout.
    • getPaymentMethodRemove

      public String getPaymentMethodRemove()
      Enable customers to choose if they wish to remove their saved payment methods. Disabled by default.

      One of disabled, or enabled.

    • getPaymentMethodSave

      public String getPaymentMethodSave()
      Enable customers to choose if they wish to save their payment method for future use. Disabled by default.

      One of disabled, or enabled.

    • setAllowRedisplayFilters

      public void setAllowRedisplayFilters(List<String> allowRedisplayFilters)
      Uses the allow_redisplay value of each saved payment method to filter the set presented to a returning customer. By default, only saved payment methods with ’allow_redisplay: ‘always’ are shown in Checkout.
    • setPaymentMethodRemove

      public void setPaymentMethodRemove(String paymentMethodRemove)
      Enable customers to choose if they wish to remove their saved payment methods. Disabled by default.

      One of disabled, or enabled.

    • setPaymentMethodSave

      public void setPaymentMethodSave(String paymentMethodSave)
      Enable customers to choose if they wish to save their payment method for future use. Disabled by default.

      One of disabled, or enabled.

    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object