Class AccountUpdateParams.Settings.CardPayments

Enclosing class:

public static class AccountUpdateParams.Settings.CardPayments extends Object
The user agent of the browser from which the account representative accepted the service agreement.
  • Method Details

    • builder

    • getDeclineOn

      Automatically declines certain charge types regardless of whether the card issuer accepted or declined the charge.
    • getExtraParams

      public Map<String,Object> getExtraParams()
      Map of extra parameters for custom features not available in this client library. The content in this map is not serialized under this field's @SerializedName value. Instead, each key/value pair is serialized as if the key is a root-level field (serialized) name in this param object. Effectively, this map is flattened to its parent instance.
    • getStatementDescriptorPrefix

      public Object getStatementDescriptorPrefix()
      The default text that appears on credit card statements when a charge is made. This field prefixes any dynamic statement_descriptor specified on the charge. statement_descriptor_prefix is useful for maximizing descriptor space for the dynamic portion.
    • getStatementDescriptorPrefixKana

      public Object getStatementDescriptorPrefixKana()
      The Kana variation of the default text that appears on credit card statements when a charge is made (Japan only). This field prefixes any dynamic statement_descriptor_suffix_kana specified on the charge. statement_descriptor_prefix_kana is useful for maximizing descriptor space for the dynamic portion.
    • getStatementDescriptorPrefixKanji

      public Object getStatementDescriptorPrefixKanji()
      The Kanji variation of the default text that appears on credit card statements when a charge is made (Japan only). This field prefixes any dynamic statement_descriptor_suffix_kanji specified on the charge. statement_descriptor_prefix_kanji is useful for maximizing descriptor space for the dynamic portion.