Class AccountUpdateParams.Settings.Payouts

Enclosing class:

public static class AccountUpdateParams.Settings.Payouts extends Object
The Kanji variation of statement_descriptor used for charges in Japan. Japanese statement descriptors have special requirements.
  • Method Details

    • builder

    • getDebitNegativeBalances

      public Boolean getDebitNegativeBalances()
      A Boolean indicating whether Stripe should try to reclaim negative balances from an attached bank account. For details, see Understanding Connect Account Balances.
    • getExtraParams

      public Map<String,Object> getExtraParams()
      Map of extra parameters for custom features not available in this client library. The content in this map is not serialized under this field's @SerializedName value. Instead, each key/value pair is serialized as if the key is a root-level field (serialized) name in this param object. Effectively, this map is flattened to its parent instance.
    • getSchedule

      Details on when funds from charges are available, and when they are paid out to an external account. For details, see our Setting Bank and Debit Card Payouts documentation.
    • getStatementDescriptor

      public Object getStatementDescriptor()
      The text that appears on the bank account statement for payouts. If not set, this defaults to the platform's bank descriptor as set in the Dashboard.