Class RefundCreateParams


public class RefundCreateParams extends ApiRequestParams
  • Method Details

    • builder

      public static RefundCreateParams.Builder builder()
    • getAmount

      public Long getAmount()
    • getCharge

      public String getCharge()
      The identifier of the charge to refund.
    • getCurrency

      public String getCurrency()
      Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. Must be a supported currency.
    • getCustomer

      public String getCustomer()
      Customer whose customer balance to refund from.
    • getExpand

      public List<String> getExpand()
      Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
    • getExtraParams

      public Map<String,Object> getExtraParams()
      Map of extra parameters for custom features not available in this client library. The content in this map is not serialized under this field's @SerializedName value. Instead, each key/value pair is serialized as if the key is a root-level field (serialized) name in this param object. Effectively, this map is flattened to its parent instance.
    • getInstructionsEmail

      public String getInstructionsEmail()
      For payment methods without native refund support (e.g., Konbini, PromptPay), use this email from the customer to receive refund instructions.
    • getMetadata

      public Object getMetadata()
      Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to metadata.
    • getOrigin

      public RefundCreateParams.Origin getOrigin()
      Origin of the refund.
    • getPaymentIntent

      public String getPaymentIntent()
      The identifier of the PaymentIntent to refund.
    • getReason

      public RefundCreateParams.Reason getReason()
      String indicating the reason for the refund. If set, possible values are duplicate, fraudulent, and requested_by_customer. If you believe the charge to be fraudulent, specifying fraudulent as the reason will add the associated card and email to your block lists, and will also help us improve our fraud detection algorithms.
    • getRefundApplicationFee

      public Boolean getRefundApplicationFee()
      Boolean indicating whether the application fee should be refunded when refunding this charge. If a full charge refund is given, the full application fee will be refunded. Otherwise, the application fee will be refunded in an amount proportional to the amount of the charge refunded. An application fee can be refunded only by the application that created the charge.
    • getReverseTransfer

      public Boolean getReverseTransfer()
      Boolean indicating whether the transfer should be reversed when refunding this charge. The transfer will be reversed proportionally to the amount being refunded (either the entire or partial amount).

      A transfer can be reversed only by the application that created the charge.