Class CardUpdateParams.SpendingControls

Enclosing class:

public static class CardUpdateParams.SpendingControls extends Object
  • Method Details

    • builder

    • getAllowedCategories

      Array of strings containing categories of authorizations to allow. All other categories will be blocked. Cannot be set with blocked_categories.
    • getAllowedMerchantCountries

      public List<String> getAllowedMerchantCountries()
      Array of strings containing representing countries from which authorizations will be allowed. Authorizations from merchants in all other countries will be declined. Country codes should be ISO 3166 alpha-2 country codes (e.g. US). Cannot be set with blocked_merchant_countries. Provide an empty value to unset this control.
    • getBlockedCategories

      Array of strings containing categories of authorizations to decline. All other categories will be allowed. Cannot be set with allowed_categories.
    • getBlockedMerchantCountries

      public List<String> getBlockedMerchantCountries()
      Array of strings containing representing countries from which authorizations will be declined. Country codes should be ISO 3166 alpha-2 country codes (e.g. US). Cannot be set with allowed_merchant_countries. Provide an empty value to unset this control.
    • getExtraParams

      public Map<String,Object> getExtraParams()
      Map of extra parameters for custom features not available in this client library. The content in this map is not serialized under this field's @SerializedName value. Instead, each key/value pair is serialized as if the key is a root-level field (serialized) name in this param object. Effectively, this map is flattened to its parent instance.
    • getSpendingLimits

      Limit spending with amount-based rules that apply across any cards this card replaced (i.e., its replacement_for card and that card's replacement_for card, up the chain).