Package-level declarations


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Save data frames for later retrieval.

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This exception should never be thrown.


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Given a size and an aspect ratio, resize the area to fit that aspect ratio. If the desired aspect ratio is smaller than the one of the provided size, the size will be cropped to match. If the desired aspect ratio is larger than the that of the provided size, then the size will be expanded to match.

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Determine the aspect ratio of a Size.

Determine the aspect ratio of a SizeF.

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fun <Result> suspend () -> Result.cachedFirstResultSuspend(): suspend () -> Result
fun <Input, Result> suspend (Input) -> Result.cachedFirstResultSuspend(): suspend (Input) -> Result
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fun <Result> cacheFirstResultSuspend(f: suspend () -> Result): suspend () -> Result
fun <Input, Result> cacheFirstResultSuspend(f: suspend (Input) -> Result): suspend (Input) -> Result
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Center a size on a given rectangle. The size may be larger or smaller than the rect.

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Scale a Rect to have a size equivalent to the scaledSize. This will maintain the center position of the Rect.

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Return a rect that is the intersection of two other rects

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Determine the maximum size of rectangle with a given aspect ratio (X/Y) that can fit inside the specified area.

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fun <Result> memoize(f: () -> Result): () -> Result
fun <Input, Result> memoize(f: (Input) -> Result): (Input) -> Result
fun <Result> memoize(validFor: Duration, f: () -> Result): () -> Result
fun <Input, Result> memoize(validFor: Duration, f: (Input) -> Result): (Input) -> Result
fun <Input1, Input2, Result> memoize(validFor: Duration, f: (Input1, Input2) -> Result): (Input1, Input2) -> Result
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fun <Result> suspend () -> Result.memoizedSuspend(): suspend () -> Result
fun <Input, Result> suspend (Input) -> Result.memoizedSuspend(): suspend (Input) -> Result
fun <Input1, Input2, Result> suspend (Input1, Input2) -> Result.memoizedSuspend(): suspend (Input1, Input2) -> Result
fun <Result> suspend () -> Result.memoizedSuspend(validFor: Duration): suspend () -> Result
fun <Input, Result> suspend (Input) -> Result.memoizedSuspend(validFor: Duration): suspend (Input) -> Result
fun <Input1, Input2, Result> suspend (Input1, Input2) -> Result.memoizedSuspend(validFor: Duration): suspend (Input1, Input2) -> Result
fun <Input1, Input2, Input3, Result> suspend (Input1, Input2, Input3) -> Result.memoizedSuspend(validFor: Duration): suspend (Input1, Input2, Input3) -> Result
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fun <Result> memoizeSuspend(f: suspend () -> Result): suspend () -> Result
fun <Input, Result> memoizeSuspend(f: suspend (Input) -> Result): suspend (Input) -> Result
fun <Input1, Input2, Result> memoizeSuspend(f: suspend (Input1, Input2) -> Result): suspend (Input1, Input2) -> Result
fun <Result> memoizeSuspend(validFor: Duration, f: suspend () -> Result): suspend () -> Result
fun <Input, Result> memoizeSuspend(validFor: Duration, f: suspend (Input) -> Result): suspend (Input) -> Result
fun <Input1, Input2, Result> memoizeSuspend(validFor: Duration, f: suspend (Input1, Input2) -> Result): suspend (Input1, Input2) -> Result
fun <Input1, Input2, Input3, Result> memoizeSuspend(validFor: Duration, f: suspend (Input1, Input2, Input3) -> Result): suspend (Input1, Input2, Input3) -> Result
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Determine the minimum size of rectangle with a given aspect ratio (X/Y) that a specified area can fit inside.

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fun Rect.move(relativeX: Int, relativeY: Int): Rect

Move relative to its current position

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Project a region of interest from one Rect to another. For example, given the rect and region of interest:

Takes a relation between a region of interest and a size and projects the region of interest to that new location

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fun Size.resizeRegion(originalRegion: Rect, newRegion: Rect, newSize: Size): Map<Rect, Rect>

This method allows relocating and resizing a portion of a Size. It returns the required translations required to achieve this relocation. This is useful for zooming in on sections of an image.

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Calculate the new size based on a percentage scale.

Calculate the new size based on percentage scale values.

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Calculate the position of the Size surrounding the surroundedSize. This makes a few assumptions:

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Scale up a Size so that it fills a containingSize while maintaining its original aspect ratio.

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Scale a size based on percentage scale values, and keep track of its position.

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Scale a Rect to have a size equivalent to the scaledSize. This will also scale the position of the Rect.

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Determine the size of a Rect.

Determine the size of a RectF.

Determine the size of a View.

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Converts a size to rectangle with the top left corner at 0,0

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Transpose a size's width and height.

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