
Calculate the position of the Size surrounding the surroundedSize. This makes a few assumptions:

  1. the Size and the surroundedSize are centered relative to each other.

  2. the Size and the surroundedSize have the same orientation

  3. the surroundedSize and the Size share either a horizontal or vertical field of view

  4. the non-shared field of view must be smaller on the surroundedSize than the Size

If using this to project a full camera image onto a preview image, This makes a few assumptions:

  1. the preview image surroundedSize and full image Size are centered relative to each other

  2. the preview image and the full image have the same orientation

  3. the preview image and the full image share either a horizontal or vertical field of view

  4. the non-shared field of view must be smaller on the preview image than the full image

Note that the Size and the surroundedSize are allowed to have completely independent resolutions.