
data class Card @RestrictTo(value = [RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP]) constructor(val brand: CardBrand = CardBrand.Unknown, val checks: PaymentMethod.Card.Checks? = null, val country: String? = null, val expiryMonth: Int? = null, val expiryYear: Int? = null, val fingerprint: String? = null, val funding: String? = null, val last4: String? = null, val threeDSecureUsage: PaymentMethod.Card.ThreeDSecureUsage? = null, val wallet: Wallet? = null, val networks: PaymentMethod.Card.Networks? = null, val displayBrand: String? = null) : PaymentMethod.TypeData

If this is a card PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the card.



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constructor(brand: CardBrand = CardBrand.Unknown, checks: PaymentMethod.Card.Checks? = null, country: String? = null, expiryMonth: Int? = null, expiryYear: Int? = null, fingerprint: String? = null, funding: String? = null, last4: String? = null, threeDSecureUsage: PaymentMethod.Card.ThreeDSecureUsage? = null, wallet: Wallet? = null, networks: PaymentMethod.Card.Networks? = null, displayBrand: String? = null)


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data class Checks @RestrictTo(value = [RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP]) constructor(val addressLine1Check: String?, val addressPostalCodeCheck: String?, val cvcCheck: String?) : StripeModel

Checks on Card address and CVC if provided

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data class Networks(val available: Set<String> = emptySet(), val selectionMandatory: Boolean = false, val preferred: String? = null) : StripeModel
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data class ThreeDSecureUsage @RestrictTo(value = [RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP]) constructor(val isSupported: Boolean) : StripeModel

Contains details on how this Card maybe be used for 3D Secure authentication.


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Card brand. Can be amex, diners, discover, jcb, mastercard, unionpay, visa, or unknown.

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Checks on Card address and CVC if provided

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val country: String? = null

Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you’ve collected.

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val expiryMonth: Int? = null

Two-digit number representing the card’s expiration month.

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val expiryYear: Int? = null

Four-digit number representing the card’s expiration year.

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Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.

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val funding: String? = null

Card funding type. Can be credit, debit, prepaid, or unknown`.

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val last4: String? = null

The last four digits of the card.

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Contains details on how this Card maybe be used for 3D Secure authentication.

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open override val type: PaymentMethod.Type
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val wallet: Wallet? = null

If this Card is part of a card wallet, this contains the details of the card wallet.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)