


enable this to attach the link account session to the given intent


the client secret of the StripeIntent, null when running in the deferred intent flow.



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object Companion
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data class ForDeferredPaymentIntent(val publishableKey: String, val stripeAccountId: String?, val configuration: CollectBankAccountConfiguration, val elementsSessionId: String, val customerId: String?, val onBehalfOf: String?, val amount: Int?, val currency: String?) : CollectBankAccountContract.Args
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data class ForDeferredSetupIntent(val publishableKey: String, val stripeAccountId: String?, val configuration: CollectBankAccountConfiguration, val elementsSessionId: String, val customerId: String?, val onBehalfOf: String?) : CollectBankAccountContract.Args
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data class ForPaymentIntent(val publishableKey: String, val stripeAccountId: String?, val clientSecret: String, val configuration: CollectBankAccountConfiguration, val attachToIntent: Boolean) : CollectBankAccountContract.Args
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data class ForSetupIntent(val publishableKey: String, val stripeAccountId: String?, val clientSecret: String, val configuration: CollectBankAccountConfiguration, val attachToIntent: Boolean) : CollectBankAccountContract.Args


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open val clientSecret: String?
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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)