A view to collect credit card information and provide CardParams for API invocation. The postal code field adjust its form accordingly based on currently selected country.
Use R.styleable.StripeCardFormView_cardFormStyle to toggle style between Style.Standard and Style.Borderless, Use R.styleable.StripeCardFormView_backgroundColorStateList to change the card form's background color in enable and disabled state.
To access the CardParams, see details in cardParams property. To get notified if the current card params are valid, set a CardValidCallback object with setCardValidCallback.
Retrieve a CardParams representing the card details if all these fields are valid: card number, expiration date, CVC, postal, country. Returns null otherwise and display corresponding errors.
The Stripe account ID (if any) which is the business of record. See use cases to determine if this option is relevant for your integration. This should match the on_behalf_of provided on the Intent used when confirming payment.
A PaymentMethodCreateParams representing the card details and postal code if all fields are valid; otherwise null
A list of preferred networks that should be used to process payments made with a co-branded card if your user hasn't selected a network themselves.