Package-level declarations


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class CoreCommonModule
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Mark a class that can be injected by a Injector. This should be implemented by classes that cannot directly have their dependencies injected through constructor and need to have them injected through lateinit properties.

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interface Injector

Mark a class that can inject into Injectables.

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annotation class InjectorKey

Annotation to identify an Injector instance.

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A registry to maintain Injector instances so that they can be retrieved from Activitys and Fragments. This registry is needed for dagger injection because the SDK can't access Application, and thus Activitys can't get required Component from by downcasting Activity.getApplication.

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annotation class IOContext

Qualifier for coroutine context used for IO.

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interface RetryDelayModule
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annotation class UIContext

Qualifier for coroutine context used for UI.

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A InjectorRegistry implemented with a weak map. An entry from the map will be will be garbage collected once the Injector instance is no longer held elsewhere.


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Dummy key when an Injector is not available.

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Name for injected boolean to denote if logging is enabled.

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Name for exponential backoff delay supplier

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Name for form initial values

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const val IS_LIVE_MODE: String

Name for isLiveMode

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const val LINEAR_DELAY: String

Name for linear delay supplier

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Name for user's publishable key

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Name for user's shipping address

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Name for user's account id


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Try to use an InjectorKey to retrieve an Injector and inject, if no Injector is found, invoke Injectable.fallbackInitialize with fallbackInitializeParam.