class LocalMobileConnectionConfiguration @JvmOverloads constructor(locationId: String, val autoReconnectOnUnexpectedDisconnect: Boolean = false, val localMobileReaderReconnectionListener: ReaderReconnectionListener? = null) : ConnectionConfiguration
The LocalMobileConnectionConfiguration object should be used to connect to the phone's or tablet's NFC reader.
If set to true, Terminal will try to reconnect to your reader.
You will need to set localMobileReaderReconnectionListener and being notified by ReaderReconnectionListener.onReaderReconnectStarted when reconnection starts. You will need to listen to ReaderReconnectionListener.onReaderReconnectSucceeded for succeeded reconnection, ReaderReconnectionListener.onReaderReconnectFailed for failed reconnection
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constructor(locationId: String, autoReconnectOnUnexpectedDisconnect: Boolean = false, localMobileReaderReconnectionListener: ReaderReconnectionListener? = null)
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When failIfInUse is true, an error will be returned when attempting to connect to a reader that is already collecting a payment
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The ID of the Location that you want this reader to be registered to.