

@protocol SCPConnectionTokenProvider


protocol ConnectionTokenProvider

Before integrating the SDK, you should create an endpoint on your backend server that creates a new connection token via the Stripe Terminal API. The connection token is used by the SDK to connect to a reader.

An overview of the lifecycle of a connection token:

  • When Stripe Terminal is initialized, the SDK attempts to proactively request an connection token from your backend server.
  • The SDK uses the connection to connect to a reader.
  • Subsequent calls to connect require a new connection token. If you disconnect from a reader, and then call connect again, the SDK will need a new connection token from your backend server.

We suggest making your application’s API client conform to this protocol.

  • Fetches a connection token from your backend server.

    On your backend server, use Stripe’s /v1/terminal/connection_tokens endpoint to create a connection token, and return the connection_token string from the response to your app. In your app, call the completion block with the connection token, or an error if fetching the token failed.



    - (void)fetchConnectionToken:
        (nonnull SCPConnectionTokenCompletionBlock)completion;


    func fetchConnectionToken(_ completion: @escaping ConnectionTokenCompletionBlock)



    Call this with a connection token, or an error if creating the connection token failed.