

@protocol SCPDiscoveryDelegate <NSObject>


protocol DiscoveryDelegate : NSObjectProtocol

Implement this protocol to handle a continually updating list of discovered readers. You must pass an SCPDiscoveryDelegate when calling -[SCPTerminal discoverReaders:delegate:completion:].

  • This method will be called repeatedly until:

    You should not cache the SCPReader objects in the readers array. In other words, after calling connectReader: with a discovered reader, you should not attempt to cache and re-use the Reader object. The connectivity information associated with the discovered Reader object will become stale. If no readers have been found didUpdateDiscoveredReaders will be called with an empty array.

    Bluetooth Scan

    When discovering a reader using this method, this didUpdateDiscoveredReaders delegate method will be called multiple times as the Bluetooth scan proceeds.

    Your app should display an updating list of discovered readers if your user is connecting to a reader for the first time.

    Otherwise, you may automatically select a previously saved reader. Once a selection has been made, call the connectReader method to begin connecting to the reader.

    Bluetooth Proximity

    When discovering a reader using this method, this didUpdateDiscoveredReaders delegate method will be called once. The reader’s LEDs will begin flashing.


    When discovering a reader using this method, the didUpdateDiscoveredReaders delegate method will only be called once. Both readers online and offline will be sent to didUpdateDiscoveredReaders. Only an online reader can be connected to, so it will be up to you to check its network status. If you have not registered any readers to your account didUpdateDiscoveredReaders will be called with an empty array. Note that this discovery method is currently only compatable with VerifoneP400.



    - (void)terminal:(nonnull SCPTerminal *)terminal
        didUpdateDiscoveredReaders:(nonnull NSArray<SCPReader *> *)readers;


    func terminal(_ terminal: Terminal, didUpdateDiscoveredReaders readers: [SCPReader])



    The originating SCPTerminal.


    The discovered readers.