
The ResultAggregator processes results from analyzers until a condition is met. That condition is part of the aggregator's logic.


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constructor(listener: AggregateResultListener<InterimResult, FinalResult>, initialState: State, statsName: String?)


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The state of the result handler. This can be read, but not updated by analyzers.


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abstract suspend fun aggregateResult(frame: DataFrame, result: AnalyzerResult): Pair<InterimResult, FinalResult?>

Aggregate a new result. If this method returns a non-null FinalResult, the aggregator will stop listening for new results.

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open fun bindToLifecycle(lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner)

Bind this result aggregator to a lifecycle. This allows the result aggregator to pause and reset when the lifecycle owner pauses.

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fun cancel()

Cancel a result aggregator. This means that the result aggregator will ignore all further results and will never return a final result.

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open suspend override fun onResult(result: AnalyzerResult, data: DataFrame): Boolean
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open override fun onStateChanged(source: LifecycleOwner, event: Lifecycle.Event)