Package-level declarations


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An analyzer takes some data as an input, and returns an analyzed output. Analyzers should not contain any state. They must define whether they can run on a multithreaded executor, and provide a means of analyzing input data to return some form of result.

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A loop to execute repeated analysis. The loop uses coroutines to run the Analyzer.analyze method. If the Analyzer is threadsafe, multiple coroutines will be used. If not, a single coroutine will be used.

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data class AnalyzerPool<DataFrame, State, Output>(val desiredAnalyzerCount: Int, val analyzers: List<Analyzer<DataFrame, State, Output>>)

A pool of analyzers.

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class FiniteAnalyzerLoop<DataFrame, State, Output>(analyzerPool: AnalyzerPool<DataFrame, in State, Output>, resultHandler: TerminatingResultHandler<DataFrame, out State, Output>, analyzerLoopErrorListener: AnalyzerLoopErrorListener, timeLimit: Duration = Duration.INFINITE, statsName: String? = null) : AnalyzerLoop<DataFrame, State, Output>

This kind of AnalyzerLoop will process data provided as part of its constructor. Data will be processed in the order provided.

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This kind of AnalyzerLoop will process data until the result handler indicates that it has reached a terminal state and is no longer listening.

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data class RepeatingTaskStats(val executions: Int, val startedAt: ComparableTimeMark, val totalDuration: Duration, val totalCpuDuration: Duration, val minimumDuration: Duration, val maximumDuration: Duration)
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The ResultAggregator processes results from analyzers until a condition is met. That condition is part of the aggregator's logic.

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A specialized result handler that has some form of state.

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Keep track of a single stat's duration and result

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data class TaskStats(val started: ComparableTimeMark, val duration: Duration, val result: String?)
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A result handler with a method that notifies when all data has been processed.