

Please use Mobile Payment Element instead. If you are already using Basic Integration, learn how to migrate here:

Represents a logged-in session of a single Customer.

See Creating ephemeral keys


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A cached Customer, or null if the current customer has expired.


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Add the Source to the current customer.

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Attaches a PaymentMethod to a customer.

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Delete the Source from the current customer.

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Detaches a PaymentMethod from a customer.

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fun getPaymentMethods(paymentMethodType: PaymentMethod.Type, @IntRange(from = 1, to = 100) limit: Int?, endingBefore: String? = null, startingAfter: String? = null, listener: CustomerSession.PaymentMethodsRetrievalListener)

Retrieves all of the customer's PaymentMethod objects, filtered by a PaymentMethod.Type.

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Retrieve the current Customer. If customer is not stale, this returns immediately with the cache. If not, it fetches a new value and returns that to the listener.

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Set the default Source of the current customer.

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Set the shipping information on the current customer.

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Force an update of the current customer, regardless of how much time has passed.