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fun interface AlipayAuthenticator

Interface for handling PaymentIntent authentication with the Alipay SDK

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Generic interface for an API operation callback that either returns a result, ResultType, or an Exception

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Represents a logged-in session of a single Customer.

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Represents an Ephemeral Key that can be used temporarily for API operations that typically require a secret key.

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fun interface EphemeralKeyProvider

Represents an object that can call to a server and create EphemeralKeys.

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Represents a listener for Ephemeral Key Update events.

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class GooglePayConfig @JvmOverloads constructor(publishableKey: String, connectedAccountId: String? = null)

Configuration settings for Google Pay's TokenizationSpecification.

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class GooglePayJsonFactory(googlePayConfig: GooglePayConfig, isJcbEnabled: Boolean = false)

A factory for generating Google Pay JSON request objects for Google Pay API version 2.0.

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Methods for retrieval / update of a Stripe Issuing card

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Configuration for authentication mechanisms via StripePaymentController

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data class PaymentConfiguration @RestrictTo(value = [RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP]) constructor(val publishableKey: String, val stripeAccountId: String? = null) : Parcelable
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data class PaymentIntentResult @RestrictTo(value = [RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP]) constructor(val intent: PaymentIntent, outcomeFromFlow: Int = 0, val failureMessage: String? = null) : StripeIntentResult<PaymentIntent>

A model representing the result of a PaymentIntent confirmation via Stripe.confirmPayment or handling of next actions via Stripe.handleNextActionForPayment.

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Represents a single start-to-finish payment operation.

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Configuration for PaymentSession.

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A data class representing the state of the associated PaymentSession.

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Public utility class for common Pay with Google-related tasks.

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A model representing the result of a SetupIntent confirmation via Stripe.confirmSetupIntent or handling of next actions via Stripe.handleNextActionForSetupIntent.

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class Stripe

Entry-point to the Stripe SDK.

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Enums of beta headers allowed to be override when initializing Stripe.

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A model representing the result of a StripeIntent confirmation or authentication attempt via Stripe.confirmPayment or Stripe.handleNextActionForPayment


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suspend fun Stripe.attachPaymentMethod(paymentMethodId: String, customerId: String, ephemeralKeySecret: String, idempotencyKey: String? = null, stripeAccountId: String? = this.stripeAccountId): Result<PaymentMethod>
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suspend fun Stripe.confirmAlipayPayment(confirmPaymentIntentParams: ConfirmPaymentIntentParams, authenticator: AlipayAuthenticator, stripeAccountId: String? = this.stripeAccountId): PaymentIntentResult

Confirm and authenticate a PaymentIntent using the Alipay SDK

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suspend fun Stripe.confirmPaymentIntent(confirmPaymentIntentParams: ConfirmPaymentIntentParams, idempotencyKey: String? = null): PaymentIntent

Suspend function to confirm a PaymentIntent object.

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suspend fun Stripe.confirmSetupIntent(confirmSetupIntentParams: ConfirmSetupIntentParams, idempotencyKey: String? = null, expand: List<String> = emptyList()): SetupIntent

Suspend function to confirm a SetupIntent object.

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suspend fun Stripe.confirmWeChatPayPayment(confirmPaymentIntentParams: ConfirmPaymentIntentParams, stripeAccountId: String? = this.stripeAccountId): WeChatPayNextAction

Suspend function to confirm a PaymentIntent for WeChat Pay. Extract params from WeChatPayNextAction to pass to WeChat Pay SDK.

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suspend fun Stripe.createAccountToken(accountParams: AccountParams, idempotencyKey: String? = null, stripeAccountId: String? = this.stripeAccountId): Token

Create a Token from a coroutine.

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suspend fun Stripe.createBankAccountToken(bankAccountTokenParams: BankAccountTokenParams, idempotencyKey: String? = null, stripeAccountId: String? = this.stripeAccountId): Token

Create a bank account token from a coroutine.

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suspend fun Stripe.createCardToken(cardParams: CardParams, idempotencyKey: String? = null, stripeAccountId: String? = this.stripeAccountId): Token

Create a Card token from a coroutine.

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suspend fun Stripe.createCvcUpdateToken(@Size(min = 3, max = 4) cvc: String, idempotencyKey: String? = null, stripeAccountId: String? = this.stripeAccountId): Token

Create a CVC update token from a coroutine.

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suspend fun Stripe.createFile(fileParams: StripeFileParams, idempotencyKey: String? = null, stripeAccountId: String? = this.stripeAccountId): StripeFile

Create a StripeFile from a coroutine.

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suspend fun Stripe.createPaymentMethod(paymentMethodCreateParams: PaymentMethodCreateParams, idempotencyKey: String? = null, stripeAccountId: String? = this.stripeAccountId): PaymentMethod

Create a PaymentMethod from a coroutine.

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suspend fun Stripe.createPersonToken(params: PersonTokenParams, idempotencyKey: String? = null, stripeAccountId: String? = this.stripeAccountId): Token

Creates a single-use token that represents the details for a person. Use this when creating or updating persons associated with a Connect account. See the documentation to learn more.

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suspend fun Stripe.createPiiToken(personalId: String, idempotencyKey: String? = null, stripeAccountId: String? = this.stripeAccountId): Token

Create a PII token from a coroutine.

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Create a Radar Session.

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suspend fun Stripe.createSource(sourceParams: SourceParams, idempotencyKey: String? = null, stripeAccountId: String? = this.stripeAccountId): Source

Create a Source from a coroutine.

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suspend fun Stripe.getAuthenticateSourceResult(requestCode: Int, data: Intent): Source

Get the Source from Intent returned via Activity#onActivityResult(int, int, Intent)}} for Source authentication. (see Stripe.authenticateSource)

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suspend fun Stripe.getPaymentIntentResult(requestCode: Int, data: Intent): PaymentIntentResult

Get the PaymentIntentResult from Intent returned via Activity#onActivityResult(int, int, Intent)}} for PaymentIntent automatic confirmation (see Stripe.confirmPayment) or manual confirmation (see Stripe.handleNextActionForPayment})

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suspend fun Stripe.getSetupIntentResult(requestCode: Int, data: Intent): SetupIntentResult

Get the SetupIntentResult from Intent returned via Activity#onActivityResult(int, int, Intent)}} for SetupIntentResult confirmation. (see confirmSetupIntent)

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suspend fun Stripe.retrievePaymentIntent(clientSecret: String, stripeAccountId: String? = this.stripeAccountId, expand: List<String> = emptyList()): PaymentIntent

Retrieve a PaymentIntent from a coroutine.

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Retrieve a list of possible brands for the given card number. Returns an error if the cardNumber length is less than 6 characters.

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suspend fun Stripe.retrieveSetupIntent(clientSecret: String, stripeAccountId: String? = this.stripeAccountId, expand: List<String> = emptyList()): SetupIntent

Retrieve a SetupIntent asynchronously.

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suspend fun Stripe.retrieveSource(@Size(min = 1) sourceId: String, @Size(min = 1) clientSecret: String, stripeAccountId: String? = this.stripeAccountId): Source

Retrieve a Source from a coroutine.

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suspend fun Stripe.updatePaymentMethod(paymentMethodId: String, paymentMethodUpdateParams: PaymentMethodUpdateParams, ephemeralKeySecret: String, idempotencyKey: String? = null, stripeAccountId: String? = this.stripeAccountId): PaymentMethod

Update a PaymentMethod from a coroutine.

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suspend fun Stripe.verifyPaymentIntentWithMicrodeposits(clientSecret: String, descriptorCode: String): PaymentIntent
suspend fun Stripe.verifyPaymentIntentWithMicrodeposits(clientSecret: String, firstAmount: Int, secondAmount: Int): PaymentIntent

Suspend function to verify a customer's bank account with micro-deposits

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suspend fun Stripe.verifySetupIntentWithMicrodeposits(clientSecret: String, descriptorCode: String): SetupIntent
suspend fun Stripe.verifySetupIntentWithMicrodeposits(clientSecret: String, firstAmount: Int, secondAmount: Int): SetupIntent

Suspend function to verify a customer's bank account with micro-deposits