
data class AddressSpec(val apiPath: IdentifierSpec = IdentifierSpec.Generic("billing_details[address]"), val allowedCountryCodes: Set<String> = CountryUtils.supportedBillingCountries, val displayFields: Set<DisplayField> = emptySet(), val showLabel: Boolean = true, val type: AddressType = AddressType.Normal(), val hideCountry: Boolean = false) : FormItemSpec, Parcelable


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constructor(apiPath: IdentifierSpec = IdentifierSpec.Generic("billing_details[address]"), allowedCountryCodes: Set<String> = CountryUtils.supportedBillingCountries, displayFields: Set<DisplayField> = emptySet(), showLabel: Boolean = true, type: AddressType = AddressType.Normal(), hideCountry: Boolean = false)


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@SerialName(value = "allowed_country_codes")
val allowedCountryCodes: Set<String>
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@SerialName(value = "api_path")
open override val apiPath: IdentifierSpec
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@SerialName(value = "display_fields")
val displayFields: Set<DisplayField>
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val hideCountry: Boolean = false

This field is not deserialized, it is used for the special case where the address element shouldn't show country.

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@SerialName(value = "show_label")
val showLabel: Boolean = true
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val type: AddressType

This field is not deserialized, this field is used for the Address Element


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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fun transform(initialValues: Map<IdentifierSpec, String?>, shippingValues: Map<IdentifierSpec, String?>?): SectionElement?
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)