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data class AddressSpec(val apiPath: IdentifierSpec = IdentifierSpec.Generic("billing_details[address]"), val allowedCountryCodes: Set<String> = CountryUtils.supportedBillingCountries, val displayFields: Set<DisplayField> = emptySet(), val showLabel: Boolean = true, val type: AddressType = AddressType.Normal(), val hideCountry: Boolean = false) : FormItemSpec, Parcelable
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data class AffirmHeaderElement(val identifier: IdentifierSpec, val controller: Controller? = null) : FormElement
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data class AffirmTextSpec(val apiPath: IdentifierSpec = IdentifierSpec.Generic("affirm_header")) : FormItemSpec

Header that displays promo information about Affirm

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data class AfterpayClearpayHeaderElement(val identifier: IdentifierSpec, val controller: Controller? = null) : FormElement
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data class AfterpayClearpayTextSpec(val apiPath: IdentifierSpec = IdentifierSpec.Generic("afterpay_text")) : FormItemSpec

Header that displays information about installments for Afterpay

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A text field configuration for an AU bank account number

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data class AuBankAccountNumberSpec(val apiPath: IdentifierSpec = IdentifierSpec.Generic( "au_becs_debit[account_number]" )) : FormItemSpec
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data class AuBecsDebitMandateTextElement(val identifier: IdentifierSpec, val merchantName: String?, val controller: InputController? = null) : FormElement

This is an element that has static text because it takes no user input, it is not outputted from the list of form field values. If the stringResId contains a %s, the first one will be populated in the form with the merchantName parameter.

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data class AuBecsDebitMandateTextSpec(val apiPath: IdentifierSpec = IdentifierSpec.Generic("au_becs_mandate")) : FormItemSpec
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class BlikElement(val identifier: IdentifierSpec = IdentifierSpec.BlikCode, val controller: InputController = SimpleTextFieldController( textFieldConfig = BlikConfig() )) : SectionSingleFieldElement
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A text field configuration for a BSB number, or Bank State Branch Number, a six-digit number used to identify the individual branch of an Australian financial institution

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data class BsbSpec(val apiPath: IdentifierSpec = IdentifierSpec.Generic( "au_becs_debit[bsb_number]" )) : FormItemSpec
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enum Capitalization : Enum<Capitalization>
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class CardBillingAddressElement(identifier: IdentifierSpec, rawValuesMap: Map<IdentifierSpec, String?> = emptyMap(), countryCodes: Set<String> = emptySet(), countryDropdownFieldController: DropdownFieldController = DropdownFieldController( CountryConfig(countryCodes), rawValuesMap[IdentifierSpec.Country] ), sameAsShippingElement: SameAsShippingElement?, shippingValuesMap: Map<IdentifierSpec, String?>?, collectionMode: BillingDetailsCollectionConfiguration.AddressCollectionMode = BillingDetailsCollectionConfiguration.AddressCollectionMode.Automatic) : AddressElement

This is a special type of AddressElement that removes fields from the address based on the country. It is only intended to be used with the card payment method.

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class CardDetailsSectionController(cardAccountRangeRepositoryFactory: CardAccountRangeRepository.Factory, initialValues: Map<IdentifierSpec, String?>, collectName: Boolean = false, cbcEligibility: CardBrandChoiceEligibility = CardBrandChoiceEligibility.Ineligible) : SectionFieldErrorController
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class CardDetailsSectionElement(cardAccountRangeRepositoryFactory: CardAccountRangeRepository.Factory, initialValues: Map<IdentifierSpec, String?>, collectName: Boolean = false, cbcEligibility: CardBrandChoiceEligibility = CardBrandChoiceEligibility.Ineligible, val identifier: IdentifierSpec, val controller: CardDetailsSectionController = CardDetailsSectionController( cardAccountRangeRepositoryFactory = cardAccountRangeRepositoryFactory, initialValues = initialValues, collectName = collectName, cbcEligibility = cbcEligibility, )) : FormElement
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data class CashAppPayMandateTextSpec(val apiPath: IdentifierSpec = IdentifierSpec.Generic("cashapp_mandate"), @StringRes val stringResId: Int = R.string.stripe_cash_app_pay_mandate) : FormItemSpec
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data class CountrySpec(val apiPath: IdentifierSpec = IdentifierSpec.Country, val allowedCountryCodes: Set<String> = CountryUtils.supportedBillingCountries) : FormItemSpec

This is the specification for a country field.

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class CvcController(cvcTextFieldConfig: CvcConfig = CvcConfig(), cardBrandFlow: StateFlow<CardBrand>, val initialValue: String? = null, val showOptionalLabel: Boolean = false) : TextFieldController, SectionFieldErrorController
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enum DisplayField : Enum<DisplayField>
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data class DropdownItemSpec(val apiValue: String? = null, val displayText: String = "Other") : Parcelable
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data class DropdownSpec(val apiPath: IdentifierSpec, val labelTranslationId: TranslationId, val items: List<DropdownItemSpec>) : FormItemSpec
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data class EmailElement(val identifier: IdentifierSpec = IdentifierSpec.Email, val initialValue: String? = "", val controller: TextFieldController = SimpleTextFieldController( EmailConfig(), initialValue = initialValue )) : SectionSingleFieldElement
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data class EmailSpec(val apiPath: IdentifierSpec = IdentifierSpec.Email) : FormItemSpec
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data class EmptyFormElement(val identifier: IdentifierSpec = IdentifierSpec.Generic("empty_form"), val controller: Controller? = null) : FormElement
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This defines an empty form spec. It is not intended to be used when building forms for PaymentSheet. This form solves an issue where {@link CompleteFormFieldValueFilter#filterFlow()} returns null when filtering no elements. If given this EmptyFormSpec, the filtering will view the form as complete. {@link LayoutSpec#create()} is the way to build a form with no elements.

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data class ExternalPaymentMethodSpec(val type: String, val label: String, val lightImageUrl: String, val darkImageUrl: String? = null) : Parcelable

Information for displaying external payment methods (EPMs), delivered in the v1/elements/sessions response.

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class ExternalPaymentMethodsRepository @Inject constructor(errorReporter: ErrorReporter)
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This is used to define each section in the visual form layout specification

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object FormItemSpecSerializer : JsonContentPolymorphicSerializer<FormItemSpec>
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A text field configuration for an IBAN, or International Bank Account Number, as defined in ISO 13616-1.

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data class IbanSpec(val apiPath: IdentifierSpec = IdentifierSpec.Generic("sepa_debit[iban]")) : FormItemSpec
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enum KeyboardType : Enum<KeyboardType>
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data class KlarnaHeaderStaticTextSpec(val apiPath: IdentifierSpec = IdentifierSpec.Generic("klarna_header_text")) : FormItemSpec

This is for the Klarna header

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data class KlarnaMandateTextSpec(val apiPath: IdentifierSpec = IdentifierSpec.Generic("klarna_mandate"), @StringRes val stringResId: Int = R.string.stripe_klarna_mandate) : FormItemSpec
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This is a data representation of the layout of UI fields on the screen.

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data class MandateTextElement(val identifier: IdentifierSpec, val stringResId: Int, val args: List<String>, val topPadding: Dp = 8.dp, val controller: InputController? = null) : FormElement
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data class MandateTextSpec(val apiPath: IdentifierSpec = IdentifierSpec.Generic("mandate"), @StringRes val stringResId: Int) : FormItemSpec

Mandate text element spec.

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data class NameSpec(val apiPath: IdentifierSpec = IdentifierSpec.Name, val labelTranslationId: TranslationId = TranslationId.AddressName) : FormItemSpec
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data object OTPSpec : FormItemSpec
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data class PhoneSpec(val apiPath: IdentifierSpec = IdentifierSpec.Phone) : FormItemSpec
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data class PlaceholderSpec(val apiPath: IdentifierSpec = IdentifierSpec.Generic("placeholder"), val field: PlaceholderSpec.PlaceholderField = PlaceholderField.Unknown) : FormItemSpec
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abstract class RenderableFormElement(val identifier: IdentifierSpec, val allowsUserInteraction: Boolean) : FormElement
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data class SaveForFutureUseElement(val initialValue: Boolean, val merchantName: String?) : FormElement

This is an element that will make elements (as specified by identifier) hidden when "save for future" use is unchecked

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@SerialName(value = "next_action_spec")
data class SelectorIcon : Parcelable
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data class SepaMandateTextSpec(val apiPath: IdentifierSpec = IdentifierSpec.Generic("sepa_mandate"), @StringRes val stringResId: Int = R.string.stripe_sepa_mandate) : FormItemSpec

Mandate text element spec.

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data class SharedDataSpec(val type: String, val fields: ArrayList<FormItemSpec> = arrayListOf(), val selectorIcon: SelectorIcon? = null) : Parcelable
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data class SimpleTextSpec(val apiPath: IdentifierSpec, @StringRes val label: Int, val capitalization: Capitalization = Capitalization.None, val keyboardType: KeyboardType = KeyboardType.Ascii, val showOptionalLabel: Boolean = false) : FormItemSpec
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data class StaticTextElement(val identifier: IdentifierSpec, val stringResId: Int, val controller: InputController? = null) : FormElement

This is an element that has static text because it takes no user input, it is not outputted from the list of form field values. If the stringResId contains a %s, the first one will be populated in the form with the merchantName parameter.

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data class StaticTextSpec(val apiPath: IdentifierSpec = IdentifierSpec.Generic("static_text"), @StringRes val stringResId: Int) : FormItemSpec

This is for elements that do not receive user input

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class UpiElement(val controller: InputController = SimpleTextFieldController( textFieldConfig = UpiConfig() )) : SectionSingleFieldElement


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fun BsbElementUI(enabled: Boolean, element: BsbElement, lastTextFieldIdentifier: IdentifierSpec?)
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fun H4Text(text: String, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)
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fun HyperlinkedText(text: String, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, color: Color = Color.Unspecified, style: TextStyle = LocalTextStyle.current)
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fun SimpleDialogElementUI(titleText: String, messageText: String?, confirmText: String, dismissText: String, destructive: Boolean = false, onConfirmListener: () -> Unit, onDismissListener: () -> Unit)