The Reader
is a representation of a physical reader device.
Use of this SDK is subject to the Stripe Terminal Terms:
If, during connection to the reader, a ReaderSoftwareUpdate is found that is not yet required, it will be stored in this field for future installation. When Terminal.installAvailableUpdate is called, this is the update that will be installed.
Get the current battery level as a boxed float in the range 0, 1. If the reader does not have a battery, or the battery level is unknown, this will return null.
Raw bluetooth device information (Only set for bluetooth connected readers)
Reader config version.
The current method of connection to the reader (only set for Bluetooth- and USB-connected readers)
Get the DeviceType of this reader
Reader firmware version.
Return whether this reader is simulated
Get the LocationStatus of this reader, to know what can be expected in the registeredLocation
The networking status of the reader: either offline
or online
. Note that (Only set for internet connected readers)
Get the serial number of this reader
Get the current software version on the reader, expressed as a string