Package-level declarations
The Address
class stores address data for use with the Location class
A field used to indicate whether a payment method can be shown again to its customer in a checkout flow. Consent must be obtained to set this field.
AmountDetails contains details about items included in the PaymentIntent amount
BluetoothDevice is a representation of a Bluetooth device by the platform.
Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer’s account.
The CardDetails
object contains details about a specific card presented to a reader
Contains information about card networks that can be used to process the payment.
Configurations that will be applied to each setup attempt.
Capture Method values that can be used as card-present payment method options.
contains payment method details for a payment method of type CARD_PRESENT
Card-Present PaymentMethod options.
Card present configuration for this PaymentMethod. Card Present
Parameters for requesting partial authorization support on a transaction
Parameters for routing on a card-present transaction.
Routing priorities for card-present Payment Intents
contains information on what items are included in a transaction that will be shown on a reader when using setReaderDisplay
contains information for a line item in a Cart
The Charge
object contains details about a charge made to a PaymentIntent
The CollectConfiguration
contains configuration information relevant to collecting a payment method.
The CollectDataConfiguration
contains configuration information relevant to collecting non-payment data from a reader.
Represents the non-payment data collection method for a reader.
Represents non-payment data collected using collectData
contains information about the inputs to collect from the reader
CollectInputsResult contains information about the data collected from a given form
The ConfirmConfiguration contains configuration information relevant to confirming a PaymentIntent.
The ConnectionConfiguration class contains configuration information for connecting to a reader.
The ConnectionStatus
represents the current state of the reader-terminal connection.
The ConnectionTokenException
is an exception type that should be thrown by the ConnectionTokenProvider when there's an unresolvable error that prevents us from fetching a connection token
The CreateConfiguration contains configuration information relevant to creating a payment method.
Details about the customer acceptance of a Mandate.
Type of customer acceptance information included with the Mandate.
The possible device types for a reader.
The possible reasons for which a Bluetooth or USB reader was disconnected.
The DiscoveryConfiguration
contains configuration information relevant to the reader discovery process.
Dynamic currency conversion details for a given transaction.
Dynamic currency conversion options.
EmailInput contains information about a email form to display on the reader
EmailResult contains data collected from an email form
Expandable Location Union Type.
The GeneratedFrom
object contains details of the original PaymentMethod that created this CardDetails object.
Represents the ability for a PaymentIntent to be incrementally authorized.
Represents a single input form
Arguments used when fetching a list of Locations.
The Location
class contains details about the location object to which readers can be registered.
represents the potential states of a Reader object with respect to its registeredLocation
If a Mandate is accepted online, this contains details about the online acceptance.
Details about a Mandate to be created.
The NetworkStatus
represents the current network status, as determined by the Terminal SDK.
Property that tells you what actions you need to take in order for your customer to fulfill a payment using the provided source.
NumericInput contains information about a numeric form to display on the reader
NumericResult contains data collected from a numeric form
The OfflineBehavior allows you to configure how the Terminal SDK should handle the specified PaymentIntent while unable to reach
OfflineCardPresentDetails contains details about the payment method used to process a PaymentIntent offline.
OfflineDetails holds unique information for a PaymentIntent that was created or processed offline. Useful for relating a forwarded entity to its offline counterpart.
OfflineStatus encapsulates OfflineStatusDetails from the Terminal SDK for the current account. It is split into two:
The OfflineStatusDetails provides details about the Terminal SDK's offline status such as; the current networkStatus, number, and sum of offline payments for the integration to inform it's business logic and risk management while taking payments.
The PaymentIntent
represents your intent to collect payment from a customer, tracking the lifecycle of the payment process through each step. Each PaymentIntent
typically correlates with a single “cart” or customer session in your application.
The PaymentIntentParameters
class contains information that will be used for the creation of a new PaymentIntent. To create a PaymentIntentParameters
instance, the PaymentIntentParameters.Builder class should be used.
A PaymentIntentStatus
represents the state that a given PaymentIntent is currently in.
objects represent your customer's payment instruments. They can be used with PaymentIntents to collect payments, or saved to Customer objects to store instrument details for future payments.
contains details about the payment method used to complete a PaymentIntent
Payment-method-specific configuration.
Payment-method-specific configuration for this PaymentIntent. Payment Method Options
An enum representing the type of payment method being handled.
Union-type for an expandable PaymentMethod.
A PaymentStatus
represents any of the states that a single payment can be in.
PhoneInput contains information about a phone form to display on the reader
PhoneResult contains data collected from a phone form
The Reader
is a representation of a physical reader device.
Class representing the accessibility state of the reader.
A ReaderDisplayMessage
represents any of the possible messages emitted by the reader as it is accepting input.
A ReaderEvent
represents any of the possible events you can receive from a connected reader.
The ReaderInputOptions
represents the set of ReaderInputOptions currently available to your user.
The ReaderSettingsParameters
class contains information used to update the reader's settings.
contains information about a potential software update to the reader.
Result of a query to check if a reader connection type is supported.
Represents the current text to speech status of the reader.
Parameters for reading a reusable card.
All necessary information for generating receipts
instructions for authenticating by redirecting your customer to another page or application.
objects allow you to refund a charge that has previously been created but not yet refunded. Funds will be refunded to the credit or debit card that was originally charged.
The RefundConfiguration
contains configuration information relevant to refunding a payment.
The RefundParameters
object allows you to set the options you need to create a refund for an existing charge. For more information, see:
3D Secure flow type.
Transaction routing priorities
Contains information for a selection form button
Set the style of a selection form button
SelectionInput contains information about a selection form to display on the reader
SelectionResult contains data collected from a selection form
A SetupAttempt describes one attempted confirmation of a SetupIntent, whether that confirmation was successful or unsuccessful.
Statuses for a SetupAttempt
Union type for an expandable SetupAttempt.
Information for an erroneous SetupAttempt
Types of SetupAttempt errors.
A SetupIntent guides you through the process of setting up a customer's payment credentials for future payments.
Parameters used for cancelling a SetupIntent.
Reason for cancellation of a SetupIntent.
contains payment method details for a payment method of type CARD_PRESENT specifically for SetupIntent transaction.
contains configuration information relevant to saving a payment method.
Actions you need to take in order for your customer to continue payment setup.
SetupIntentOfflineDetails holds unique information for a SetupIntent that was created or processed offline. Useful for relating a forwarded entity to its offline counterpart.
Parameters used for the creation of a new SetupIntent.
contains details about the payment method used to complete a PaymentIntent It's different from CardPresentDetails. Because in Proto SetupAttempt, fields of PaymentMethodDetails are different from
Represents the state of a SetupIntent.
Indicates how the payment method is intended to be used in the future.
SignatureInput contains information about a signature form to display on the reader
SignatureResult contains data collected from a signature form
A SimulatedCard
contains all information necessary to simulate the experience of paying with specific card brands / error conditions.
A SimulatedCardType
represents a specific type of payment card that can be used for testing.
The SimulateReaderUpdate
enumerates the possible types of updates that a user might want to simulate.
A configuration object that can be set on the main Terminal class. It's setting will dictate the behavior you see on your next connection to a simulated reader.
Used to generate a single-use Mandate when creating a SetupIntent
Details about the availability and maximum amount for surcharging on this PaymentIntent.
SurchargeDetails contains details about surcharges, such as the surcharged amount
A TerminalErrorCode
represents the type of error thrown during SDK operations.
A TerminalException
represents an error thrown during SDK operations and will contain a TerminalErrorCode and an errorMessage
to provide more specific details.
TextResult contains data collected from a text form
Tip contains details about tips
The TippingConfiguration
contains per-transaction configuration information relevant to collecting tips
Contains information for a collect inputs toggle
ToggleResult contains data collected for a toggle
Set value of a toggle
UseStripeSdk represents an internal action that will be handled by the SDK.
Contains the details of the card wallet, when a payment is part of a card wallet.