Enumeration Members

AccountNumbersUnavailable: "account_numbers_unavailable"

The system could not retrieve account numbers for selected accounts.

AccountsUnavailable: "accounts_unavailable"

The system could not retrieve accounts for the selected institution.

NoDebitableAccount: "no_debitable_account"

For payment flows, no debitable account was available at the selected institution.

AuthorizationFailed: "authorization_failed"

Authorization with the selected institution has failed.

InstitutionUnavailablePlanned: "institution_unavailable_planned"

The selected institution is down for expected maintenance.

InstitutionUnavailableUnplanned: "institution_unavailable_unplanned"

The selected institution is unexpectedly down.

InstitutionTimeout: "institution_timeout"

A timeout occurred while communicating with our partner or downstream institutions.

UnexpectedError: "unexpected_error"

An unexpected error occurred, either in an API call or on the client-side.

SessionExpired: "session_expired"

The client secret that powers the session has expired.

FailedBotDetection: "failed_bot_detection"

The hCaptcha challenge failed.