style?: "alwaysLight" | "alwaysDark" | "automatic"Optional
appearance?: AppearanceParamsConfiguration for the look and feel of the UI.
setupIntentClientSecret?: stringOptional but recommended for cards, required for other payment methods. The SetupIntent client secret that will be used to confirm a new payment method. If this is missing, you will only be able to add cards without authentication steps.
The identifier of the Stripe Customer object. See https://stripe.com/docs/api/customers/object#customer_object-id
A short-lived token that allows the SDK to access a Customer's payment methods.
merchantDisplayName?: stringYour customer-facing business name. The default value is the name of your app.
headerTextForSelectionScreen?: stringOptional configuration for setting the header text of the Payment Method selection screen
defaultBillingDetails?: BillingDetailsCustomerSheet pre-populates fields with the values provided. If billingDetailsCollectionConfiguration.attachDefaultsToPaymentMethod
is true
, these values will be attached to the payment method even if they are not collected by the CustomerSheet UI.
billingDetailsCollectionConfiguration?: BillingDetailsCollectionConfigurationDescribes how billing details should be collected. All values default to AUTOMATIC
is used for a required field for the Payment Method, you must provide an appropriate value as part of defaultBillingDetails
returnURL?: stringA URL that redirects back to your app that CustomerSheet can use to auto-dismiss web views used for additional authentication, e.g. 3DS2
removeSavedPaymentMethodMessage?: stringOptional configuration to display a custom message when a saved payment method is removed. iOS only.
applePayEnabled?: booleanWhether to show Apple Pay as an option. Defaults to false.
googlePayEnabled?: booleanWhether to show Google Pay as an option. Defaults to false.
preferredNetworks?: CardBrand[]The list of preferred networks that should be used to process payments made with a co-branded card. This value will only be used if your user hasn't selected a network themselves.
customerAdapter?: CustomerAdapterOptional override. It is generally recommended to rely on the default behavior, but- provide a CustomerAdapter here if you would prefer retrieving and updating your Stripe customer object via your own backend instead. WARNING: When implementing your own CustomerAdapter, ensure your application complies with all applicable laws and regulations, including data privacy and consumer protection.
allowsRemovalOfLastSavedPaymentMethod?: booleanThis is an experimental feature that may be removed at any time. Defaults to true. If true, the customer can delete all saved payment methods. If false, the customer can't delete if they only have one saved payment method remaining.
cardBrandAcceptance?: CardBrandAcceptanceBy default, CustomerSheet will accept all supported cards by Stripe. You can specify card brands CustomerSheet should block or allow payment for by providing an array of those card brands. Note: This is only a client-side solution. Note: Card brand filtering is not currently supported in Link.
The color styling to use for PaymentSheet UI. Defaults to 'automatic'. iOS only.