RecurringPaymentRequest: {
    type: Recurring;
    description: string;
    managementUrl: string;
    billing: PlatformPay.RecurringCartSummaryItem;
    trialBilling?: PlatformPay.RecurringCartSummaryItem;
    billingAgreement?: string;
    tokenNotificationURL?: string;

Use this for a recurring payment, typically a subscription.

Type declaration

  • type: Recurring
  • description: string

    A description that you provide of the recurring payment and that Apple Pay displays to the user in the sheet.

  • managementUrl: string

    A URL to a web page where the user can update or delete the payment method for the recurring payment.

  • billing: PlatformPay.RecurringCartSummaryItem

    The regular billing cycle for the payment, including start and end dates, an interval, and an interval count.

  • OptionaltrialBilling?: PlatformPay.RecurringCartSummaryItem

    Same as the billing property, but use this if the purchase has a trial period.

  • OptionalbillingAgreement?: string

    A localized billing agreement that the sheet displays to the user before the user authorizes the payment.

  • OptionaltokenNotificationURL?: string

    A URL you provide to receive life-cycle notifications from the Apple Pay servers about the Apple Pay merchant token for the recurring payment. For more information about handling merchant token life-cycle notifications, see Receiving and handling merchant token notifications.