Enumeration Members

Open: "open"

Invoked when the sheet successfully opens.

ManualEntryInitiated: "manual_entry_initiated"

Invoked when the manual entry flow is initiated.

ConsentAcquired: "consent_acquired"

Invoked when "Agree and continue" is selected on the consent pane.

SearchInitiated: "search_initiated"

Invoked when the search bar is selected, the user inputs search terms, and receives an API response.

InstitutionSelected: "institution_selected"

Invoked when an institution is selected, either from featured institutions or search results.

InstitutionAuthorized: "institution_authorized"

Invoked when the authorization is successfully completed.

AccountsSelected: "accounts_selected"

Invoked when accounts are selected and "confirm" is selected.

Success: "success"

Invoked when the flow is completed and selected accounts are correctly connected to the payment instrument.

Error: "error"

Invoked when an error is encountered. Refer to error codes for more details.

Cancel: "cancel"

Invoked when the flow is cancelled, typically by the user pressing the "X" button.

FlowLaunchedInBrowser: "flow_launched_in_browser"

Invoked when the modal is launched in an external browser. After this event, no other events will be sent until the completion of the browser session.