interface Result {
    id: string;
    clientSecret: string;
    lastSetupError: null | LastPaymentError;
    created: null | string;
    livemode: boolean;
    paymentMethodId: null | string;
    paymentMethod: null | PaymentMethod.Result;
    status: SetupIntent.Status;
    paymentMethodTypes: PaymentMethod.Type[];
    usage: SetupIntent.FutureUsage;
    description: null | string;
    nextAction: null | NextAction;


id: string
clientSecret: string
lastSetupError: null | LastPaymentError
created: null | string

The UNIX timestamp (in milliseconds) of the date this Setup Intent was created.

livemode: boolean
paymentMethodId: null | string

Use instead.

paymentMethod: null | PaymentMethod.Result
paymentMethodTypes: PaymentMethod.Type[]
description: null | string
nextAction: null | NextAction