Type Alias CanAddCardToWalletParams

CanAddCardToWalletParams: {
    primaryAccountIdentifier: string | null;
    cardLastFour: string;
    testEnv?: boolean;
    hasPairedAppleWatch?: boolean;
    supportsTapToPay?: boolean;

Type declaration

  • primaryAccountIdentifier: string | null

    The primary_account_identifier value from the issued card. Can be an empty string.

  • cardLastFour: string

    Last 4 digits of the card number. Required for Android.

  • OptionaltestEnv?: boolean

    iOS only. Set this to true until shipping through TestFlight || App Store. If false, you must be using live cards, and have the proper iOS entitlement set up. See https://stripe.com/docs/issuing/cards/digital-wallets?platform=react-native#requesting-access-for-ios

  • OptionalhasPairedAppleWatch?: boolean

    iOS only. Set this to true if: your user has an Apple Watch device currently paired, and you want to check that device for the presence of the specified card.

  • OptionalsupportsTapToPay?: boolean

    Android only, defaults to true. Set this to false if you'd like to allow users without NFC-enabled devices to add cards to the wallet. NFC is required for paying in stores.