iOS only. Update different items on the Apple Pay sheet, including the summary items, the shipping methods, and any errors shown. iOS only, this is a no-op on Android.

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          applePay: {
              cartItems: PlatformPay.CartSummaryItem[];
              shippingMethods: ShippingMethod[];
              errors: ApplePaySheetError[];

      an object describing the Apple Pay configuration, with the following fields:

      • cartItems An array of payment summary items to display in the Apple Pay sheet.
      • shippingMethods An array of shipping methods to display in the Apple Pay sheet.
      • errors An array of errors associated with the user's input that must be corrected to proceed with payment. These errors will be shown in the Apple Pay sheet.

    Returns Promise<{ error?: StripeError<PlatformPayError> }>

    An object with an optional 'error' field, which is only populated if something went wrong.