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Add to wallet button component props


  • AccessibilityProps
    • AddToWalletButtonProps



accessible?: boolean

When true, indicates that the view is an accessibility element. By default, all the touchable elements are accessible.

accessibilityActions?: readonly Readonly<{ name: AccessibilityActionName; label?: string }>[]

Provides an array of custom actions available for accessibility.

accessibilityLabel?: string

Overrides the text that's read by the screen reader when the user interacts with the element. By default, the label is constructed by traversing all the children and accumulating all the Text nodes separated by space.

accessibilityRole?: AccessibilityRole

Accessibility Role tells a person using either VoiceOver on iOS or TalkBack on Android the type of element that is focused on.

accessibilityState?: AccessibilityState

Accessibility State tells a person using either VoiceOver on iOS or TalkBack on Android the state of the element currently focused on.

accessibilityHint?: string

An accessibility hint helps users understand what will happen when they perform an action on the accessibility element when that result is not obvious from the accessibility label.

accessibilityValue?: AccessibilityValue

Represents the current value of a component. It can be a textual description of a component's value, or for range-based components, such as sliders and progress bars, it contains range information (minimum, current, and maximum).

accessibilityComponentType?: "none" | "button" | "radiobutton_checked" | "radiobutton_unchecked"

In some cases, we also want to alert the end user of the type of selected component (i.e., that it is a “button”). If we were using native buttons, this would work automatically. Since we are using javascript, we need to provide a bit more context for TalkBack. To do so, you must specify the ‘accessibilityComponentType’ property for any UI component. For instances, we support ‘button’, ‘radiobutton_checked’ and ‘radiobutton_unchecked’ and so on.



accessibilityLiveRegion?: "none" | "polite" | "assertive"

Indicates to accessibility services whether the user should be notified when this view changes. Works for Android API >= 19 only. See http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/View.html#attr_android:accessibilityLiveRegion for references.



importantForAccessibility?: "auto" | "yes" | "no" | "no-hide-descendants"

Controls how view is important for accessibility which is if it fires accessibility events and if it is reported to accessibility services that query the screen. Works for Android only. See http://developer.android.com/reference/android/R.attr.html#importantForAccessibility for references.

Possible values: 'auto' - The system determines whether the view is important for accessibility - default (recommended). 'yes' - The view is important for accessibility. 'no' - The view is not important for accessibility. 'no-hide-descendants' - The view is not important for accessibility, nor are any of its descendant views.

accessibilityElementsHidden?: boolean

A Boolean value indicating whether the accessibility elements contained within this accessibility element are hidden to the screen reader.



accessibilityTraits?: AccessibilityTrait | AccessibilityTrait[]

Accessibility traits tell a person using VoiceOver what kind of element they have selected. Is this element a label? A button? A header? These questions are answered by accessibilityTraits.



accessibilityViewIsModal?: boolean

A Boolean value indicating whether VoiceOver should ignore the elements within views that are siblings of the receiver.



accessibilityIgnoresInvertColors?: boolean
style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>
iOSButtonStyle?: "onDarkBackground" | "onLightBackground"

Sets the Apple Wallet/Google Pay button style. If the button is placed over a dark background, set this to 'onDarkBackground', otherwise set to 'onLightBackground'.

androidAssetSource: ImageSourcePropType
testID?: string
testEnv?: boolean

iOS only. Set this to true until shipping through TestFlight || App Store. If false, you must be using live cards, and have the proper iOS entitlement set up. See https://stripe.com/docs/issuing/cards/digital-wallets?platform=react-native#requesting-access-for-ios

cardDetails: { primaryAccountIdentifier: null | string; name: string; description: string; lastFour?: string; brand?: Token.CardBrand }

Details of the Issued Card you'd like added to the device's wallet

Type declaration

  • primaryAccountIdentifier: null | string

    The primary_account_identifier value from the issued card.

  • name: string

    The card holder name (used only on iOS)

  • description: string

    A user-facing description of the card. Required on Android.

  • Optional lastFour?: string

    Last 4 digits of the card, only used on iOS

  • Optional brand?: Token.CardBrand

    Optional, only used on iOS

token?: null | GooglePayCardToken
ephemeralKey: object

Used by stripe to securely obtain card info of the card being provisioned.


  • onAccessibilityAction(event: AccessibilityActionEvent): void
  • When accessible is true, the system will try to invoke this function when the user performs an accessibility custom action.


    • event: AccessibilityActionEvent

    Returns void

  • onAccessibilityEscape(): void
  • When accessibile is true, the system will invoke this function when the user performs the escape gesture (scrub with two fingers).



    Returns void

  • onAccessibilityTap(): void
  • When accessible is true, the system will try to invoke this function when the user performs accessibility tap gesture.



    Returns void

  • onMagicTap(): void
  • When accessible is true, the system will invoke this function when the user performs the magic tap gesture.



    Returns void

  • Called when the flow completes. If the error field is null, then the card was successfully added to the user's native wallet.


    Returns void

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