SetupParamsBase: IntentParams & {
    merchantDisplayName: string;
    customerId?: string;
    customFlow?: boolean;
    applePay?: ApplePayParams;
    googlePay?: GooglePayParams;
    style?: UserInterfaceStyle;
    returnURL?: string;
    billingDetailsCollectionConfiguration?: BillingDetailsCollectionConfiguration;
    defaultBillingDetails?: BillingDetails;
    defaultShippingDetails?: AddressDetails;
    allowsDelayedPaymentMethods?: boolean;
    appearance?: AppearanceParams;
    primaryButtonLabel?: string;
    removeSavedPaymentMethodMessage?: string;
    preferredNetworks?: CardBrand[];
    paymentMethodOrder?: String[];
    allowsRemovalOfLastSavedPaymentMethod?: boolean;
    paymentMethodLayout?: PaymentSheet.PaymentMethodLayout;
    cardBrandAcceptance?: CardBrandAcceptance;

Type declaration

  • merchantDisplayName: string

    Your customer-facing business name. On Android, this is required and cannot be an empty string.

  • OptionalcustomerId?: string

    The identifier of the Stripe Customer object. See

  • OptionalcustomFlow?: boolean

    When set to true, separates out the payment method selection & confirmation steps. If true, you must call confirmPaymentSheetPayment on your own. Defaults to false.

  • OptionalapplePay?: ApplePayParams

    iOS only. Enable Apple Pay in the Payment Sheet by passing an ApplePayParams object.

  • OptionalgooglePay?: GooglePayParams

    Android only. Enable Google Pay in the Payment Sheet by passing a GooglePayParams object.

  • Optionalstyle?: UserInterfaceStyle

    The color styling to use for PaymentSheet UI. Defaults to 'automatic'.

  • OptionalreturnURL?: string

    A URL that redirects back to your app that PaymentSheet can use to auto-dismiss web views used for additional authentication, e.g. 3DS2

  • OptionalbillingDetailsCollectionConfiguration?: BillingDetailsCollectionConfiguration

    Configuration for how billing details are collected during checkout.

  • OptionaldefaultBillingDetails?: BillingDetails

    PaymentSheet pre-populates the billing fields that are displayed in the Payment Sheet (only country and postal code, as of this version) with the values provided.

  • OptionaldefaultShippingDetails?: AddressDetails

    The shipping information for the customer. If set, PaymentSheet will pre-populate the form fields with the values provided. This is used to display a "Billing address is same as shipping" checkbox if defaultBillingDetails is not provided. If name and line1 are populated, it's also attached to the PaymentIntent during payment.

  • OptionalallowsDelayedPaymentMethods?: boolean

    If true, allows payment methods that do not move money at the end of the checkout. Defaults to false.

    Some payment methods can’t guarantee you will receive funds from your customer at the end of the checkout because they take time to settle (eg. most bank debits, like SEPA or ACH) or require customer action to complete (e.g. OXXO, Konbini, Boleto). If this is set to true, make sure your integration listens to webhooks for notifications on whether a payment has succeeded or not.

  • Optionalappearance?: AppearanceParams

    Customizes the appearance of PaymentSheet

  • OptionalprimaryButtonLabel?: string

    The label to use for the primary button. If not set, Payment Sheet will display suitable default labels for payment and setup intents.

  • OptionalremoveSavedPaymentMethodMessage?: string

    Optional configuration to display a custom message when a saved payment method is removed. iOS only.

  • OptionalpreferredNetworks?: CardBrand[]

    The list of preferred networks that should be used to process payments made with a co-branded card. This value will only be used if your user hasn't selected a network themselves.

  • OptionalpaymentMethodOrder?: String[]

    By default, PaymentSheet will use a dynamic ordering that optimizes payment method display for the customer. You can override the default order in which payment methods are displayed in PaymentSheet with a list of payment method types. See for the list of valid types. You may also pass external payment methods.

    • Example: ["card", "external_paypal", "klarna"]
    • Note: If you omit payment methods from this list, they’ll be automatically ordered by Stripe after the ones you provide. Invalid payment methods are ignored.
  • OptionalallowsRemovalOfLastSavedPaymentMethod?: boolean

    This is an experimental feature that may be removed at any time. Defaults to true. If true, the customer can delete all saved payment methods. If false, the customer can't delete if they only have one saved payment method remaining.

  • OptionalpaymentMethodLayout?: PaymentSheet.PaymentMethodLayout

    Defines the layout orientations available for displaying payment methods in PaymentSheet.

    • Note: Defaults to Automatic if not set
  • OptionalcardBrandAcceptance?: CardBrandAcceptance

    By default, PaymentSheet will accept all supported cards by Stripe. You can specify card brands PaymentSheet should block or allow payment for by providing an array of those card brands. Note: This is only a client-side solution. Note: Card brand filtering is not currently supported in Link.