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Type aliases

SessionResult: { session: Session; error?: undefined } | { session?: undefined; error: StripeError<FinancialConnectionsSheetError> }
TokenResult: { session: Session; token: BankAccountToken; error?: undefined } | { session?: undefined; token?: undefined; error: StripeError<FinancialConnectionsSheetError> }
Session: { id: string; clientSecret: string; livemode: boolean; accounts: Account[] }

Type declaration

  • id: string

    A unique ID for this session.

  • clientSecret: string

    The client secret for this session.

  • livemode: boolean

    Has the value true if the object exists in live mode or the value false if the object exists in test mode.

  • accounts: Account[]

    The accounts that were collected as part of this Session.

BankAccountToken: { bankAccount: BankAccount | null; livemode: boolean; id: string | null; used: boolean; type: "BankAccount"; created: number | null }

Type declaration

  • bankAccount: BankAccount | null

    Bank account details.

  • livemode: boolean

    Has the value true if the object exists in live mode or the value false if the object exists in test mode.

  • id: string | null

    A unique ID for this token.

  • used: boolean
  • type: "BankAccount"
  • created: number | null

    The UNIX timestamp (in milliseconds) of the date this token was created.

Account: { id: string; livemode: boolean; displayName: string | null; status: AccountStatus; institutionName: string; last4: string | null; created: number; balance: Balance | null; balanceRefresh: BalanceRefresh | null; category: Category; subcategory: Subcategory; permissions: Permission[] | null; supportedPaymentMethodTypes: PaymentMethodType[] }

Type declaration

  • id: string

    A unique ID for this Financial Connections Account.

  • livemode: boolean

    Has the value true if the object exists in live mode or the value false if the object exists in test mode.

  • displayName: string | null
  • status: AccountStatus

    The current status of the account. Either active, inactive, or disconnected.

  • institutionName: string
  • last4: string | null
  • created: number

    The UNIX timestamp (in milliseconds) of the date this account was created.

  • balance: Balance | null

    The balance of this account.

  • balanceRefresh: BalanceRefresh | null

    The last balance refresh. Includes the timestamp and the status.

  • category: Category

    The category of this account, either cash, credit, investment, or other.

  • subcategory: Subcategory

    The subcategory of this account, either checking, credit_card, line_of_credit, mortgage, savings, or other.

  • permissions: Permission[] | null

    Permissions requested for accounts collected during this session.

  • supportedPaymentMethodTypes: PaymentMethodType[]

    The supported payment method types for this account.

AccountStatus: "active" | "inactive" | "disconnected"
Category: "cash" | "credit" | "investment" | "other"
PaymentMethodType: "us_bank_account" | "link"
Subcategory: "checking" | "creditCard" | "lineOfCredit" | "mortgage" | "other" | "savings"
Permission: "balances" | "ownership" | "paymentMethod" | "transactions" | "accountNumbers"
Balance: { asOf: number; type: BalanceType; cash: { available: Map<String, number> | null }; credit: { used: Map<String, number> | null }; current: Map<String, number> }

Type declaration

  • asOf: number

    The UNIX timestamp (in milliseconds) of time that the external institution calculated this balance.

  • type: BalanceType

    The type of this balance, either cash or credit.

  • cash: { available: Map<String, number> | null }

    The funds available to the account holder. Typically this is the current balance less any holds. Each key is a three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. Each value is an integer amount. A positive amount indicates money owed to the account holder. A negative amount indicates money owed by the account holder.

    • available: Map<String, number> | null
  • credit: { used: Map<String, number> | null }

    The credit that has been used by the account holder. Each key is a three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. Each value is a integer amount. A positive amount indicates money owed to the account holder. A negative amount indicates money owed by the account holder.

    • used: Map<String, number> | null
  • current: Map<String, number>

    The balances owed to (or by) the account holder. Each key is a three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. Each value is a integer amount. A positive amount indicates money owed to the account holder. A negative amount indicates money owed by the account holder.

BalanceRefresh: { status: BalanceRefreshStatus; lastAttemptedAt: number }

Type declaration

  • status: BalanceRefreshStatus
  • lastAttemptedAt: number

    The UNIX timestamp (in milliseconds) of the time at which the last refresh attempt was initiated.

BalanceType: "cash" | "credit"
BalanceRefreshStatus: "failed" | "pending" | "succeeded"

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