cartItems?: ApplePay.CartSummaryItem[]An array of CartSummaryItem item objects that summarize the amount of the payment. If you're using a SetupIntent for a recurring payment, you should set this to display the amount you intend to charge.
buttonType?: ButtonTypeSets the text displayed by the call to action button in the Apple Pay sheet.
request?: RecurringPaymentRequest | AutomaticReloadPaymentRequest | MultiMerchantRequestA typical request is for a one-time payment. To support different types of payment requests, include a PaymentRequestType. Only supported on iOS 16 and up.
setOrderTracking?: (Callback function for setting the order details (retrieved from your server) to give users the
ability to track and manage their purchases in Wallet. Stripe calls your implementation after the
payment is complete, but before iOS dismisses the Apple Pay sheet. You must call the completion
function, or else the Apple Pay sheet will hang.
The two-letter ISO 3166 code of the country of your business, e.g. "US"