Package-level declarations


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The Callback interface represents the simplest set of methods to run upon completion of an operation. If the operation completes with error, the onFailure method will be called. If, instead, the operation completes with no error, the onSuccess method will be called.

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interface Cancelable

A Cancelable represents an ongoing operation run by the Terminal SDK. While the operation runs, the Cancelable allows the user to check whether it has completed or cancel it if necessary.

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CollectInputsResultCallback is an interface for callbacks that will receive a CollectInputsResult under the success case, and a TerminalException under the failure case.

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The DiscoveryListener is notified whenever the set of Readers available for connection is updated.

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interface ErrorCallback

ErrorCallback is a generic callback interface used for any callback that handles exceptions.

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The HandoffReaderListener interface is a listener that should exist for the entire duration of your connection to a reader. It will receive events related to the status of the reader.

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For callbacks that receive a list of Location objects on success.

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interface OfflineListener

The OfflineListener enables an application to be notified when asynchronous connection status changes related to the terminal sdk occur.

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PaymentIntentCallback is an interface for callbacks that will receive a PaymentIntent under the success case, and an Exception under the failure case.

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PaymentMethodCallback is an interface for callbacks that will receive a PaymentMethod under the success case, and an Exception under the failure case.

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ReaderCallback is an interface for callbacks that will receive a Reader under the success case, and an Exception under the failure case.

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sealed interface ReaderListenable

The ReaderListenable interface is a common abstraction across the different listener interfaces. It should exist for the entire duration of your connection to a reader. It will receive events related to the status of the reader.

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The ReaderListener interface is a listener that should exist for the entire duration of your connection to a reader. It will receive events related to the status of the reader, as well as opportunities to update the reader's software.

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The ReaderReconnectionListener is implemented in order to receive updates from auto reconnection.

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ReaderSettingsCallback is an interface for callbacks that will receive a ReaderSettings under the success case, and an Exception under the failure case.

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A ReaderSoftwareUpdateCallback is called upon completion of Terminal.checkForUpdate and will pass back a ReaderSoftwareUpdate if it's available.

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RefundCallback is an interface for callbacks that will receive a Refund under the success case, and an Exception under the failure case.

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SetupIntentCallback is an interface for callbacks that will receive a SetupIntent under the success case, and an Exception under the failure case.

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The TerminalListener interface should be implemented in order to receive updates from a Terminal instance.