The Terminal
is the top-level object for the Stripe Terminal SDK.
Use of this SDK is subject to the Stripe Terminal Terms: https://stripe.com/terminal/legal
Get the current ConnectionStatus
Get the current OfflineStatus.
Get the current PaymentStatus
The current configuration of the simulated reader. Change this field to see different behavior.
Cancels a PaymentIntent.
Cancel an existing SetupIntent.
Clears the current connection token, saved reader sessions, and any other cached credentials. You can use this method to switch accounts in your app, e.g. to switch between live and test Stripe API keys on your backend.
Clears the reader display and resets it to the splash screen
Collects data using the hardware interfaces on the reader. Currently available on mobile readers that support magstripe.
Display forms and collect information from customers. Available for BBPOS WisePOS E and Stripe S700.
Collects a payment method for the given PaymentIntent.
Initiates an in-person refund with a given set of RefundParameters by collecting the payment method that is to be refunded.
Collects a payment method for a SetupIntent.
Confirm a payment after collecting a payment method succeeds.
Confirms an in-person refund after the refund payment method has been collected.
Confirm that your customer intends to set up the current or provided payment method.
Attempts to connect to the given bluetooth reader.
Attempts to connect to the given reader in handoff mode.
Attempts to connect to the given internet reader.
Attempts to connect to the local device's NFC reader.
Attempts to connect to the given reader via usb.
Creates a new PaymentIntent with the given parameters.
Create a new SetupIntent with the given parameters.
Attempts to disconnect from the currently connected reader.
Begins discovering readers matching the given DiscoveryConfiguration.
Retrieves current settings from the connected reader.
Installs a pending update on the reader. The update that will be installed is whatever is currently stored in Reader.availableUpdate. This field can be set either during Terminal.connectBluetoothReader, or whenever a new update is detected. If the field changes, you will be notified via ReaderListener.onReportAvailableUpdate.
Returns a list of Location objects.
Reboots the currently connected reader.
Retrieves a PaymentIntent with a client secret.
Retrieves a SetupIntent with a client secret.
Modifies the visual appearance of the Tap to Pay screen.
Sets an OfflineListener to the Terminal sdk, through which the application can be notified of the Terminal's transitions between offline and online states. This will replace any previous OfflineListeners that have been registered.
Updates the reader display with transaction information. This method is for display purposes only and has no correlation with what the customer is actually charged. Tax and total are also not automatically calculated and must be set in Cart.
Changes settings on the connected reader.
Sets the current implementation of TerminalListener. This will replace any previous TerminalListeners that have been registered.
Determine whether the mobile device supports a given reader type using a particular discovery configuration.