
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class ReceiptDetails : Serializable

All necessary information for generating receipts

Use of this SDK is subject to the Stripe Terminal Terms:


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The type of account being debited or credited

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EMV tag 9F26, cryptogram generated by the integrated circuit chip.

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Mnenomic of the Application Identifier.

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Identifier for this transaction

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EMV tag 8A. A code returned by the card issuer.

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val cvm: String? = null

How the cardholder verified ownership of the card

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EMV tag 84. Similar to the application identifier stored on the integrated circuit chip.

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val tsi: String? = null

An indication of various EMV functions performed during the transaction.

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val tvr: String? = null

The outcome of a series of EMV functions performed by the card reader.