
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
class Reader @JvmOverloads constructor(val deviceType: DeviceType = DeviceType.UNKNOWN, @Json(name = "location") locationRaw: ExpandableLocation? = null, var locationStatus: LocationStatus = UNKNOWN, id: String? = null, readerInfo: ReaderInfo? = null, val isSimulated: Boolean = false, @Json(name = "status") val networkStatus: Reader.NetworkStatus? = null, @Json(name = "serialNumber") rawSerialNumber: String? = null, val label: String? = null, deviceSwVersion: String? = null, val baseUrl: String? = null, val ipAddress: String? = null, val livemode: Boolean? = null, val bluetoothDevice: BluetoothDevice? = null, val usbDevice: UsbDevice? = null, location: Location? = null)

The Reader is a representation of a physical reader device.

Use of this SDK is subject to the Stripe Terminal Terms:


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constructor(deviceType: DeviceType = DeviceType.UNKNOWN, @Json(name = "location") locationRaw: ExpandableLocation? = null, locationStatus: LocationStatus = UNKNOWN, id: String? = null, readerInfo: ReaderInfo? = null, isSimulated: Boolean = false, @Json(name = "status") networkStatus: Reader.NetworkStatus? = null, @Json(name = "serialNumber") rawSerialNumber: String? = null, label: String? = null, deviceSwVersion: String? = null, baseUrl: String? = null, ipAddress: String? = null, livemode: Boolean? = null, bluetoothDevice: BluetoothDevice? = null, usbDevice: UsbDevice? = null, location: Location? = null)


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object Companion
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Contains possible states for the network connectivity status of the reader


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If, during connection to the reader, a ReaderSoftwareUpdate is found that is not yet required, it will be stored in this field for future installation. When Terminal.installAvailableUpdate is called, this is the update that will be installed.

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val baseUrl: String? = null

The base url for this reader (Only set for internet connected readers)

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Get the current battery level as a boxed float in the range 0, 1. If the reader does not have a battery, or the battery level is unknown, this will return null.

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Raw bluetooth device information (Only set for bluetooth connected readers)

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Reader config version.

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Get the DeviceType of this reader

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Reader firmware version.

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var id: String?

An identifier for the reader

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val ipAddress: String? = null

The ip address of this reader. (Only set for internet connected readers)

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Return whether this reader is simulated

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val label: String? = null

A custom label that may be given to a reader for easier identification. (Only set for internet connected readers)

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val livemode: Boolean? = null

Whether this reader is in livemode

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Get the Location this reader is registered to, if any

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Get the LocationStatus of this reader, to know what can be expected in the registeredLocation field

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The networking status of the reader: either offline or online. Note that (Only set for internet connected readers)

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Get the serial number of this reader

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Get the current software version on the reader, expressed as a string

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Raw usb device information (Only set for usb connected readers)


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fun activate(readerId: String?, location: Location?, canonicalReaderVersion: Long? = null)
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fun toDeviceInfo(): DeviceInfo
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open override fun toString(): String
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