data class ChallengeParameters( var threeDsServerTransactionId: String? = null, var acsTransactionId: String? = null, var acsRefNumber: String? = null, var acsSignedContent: String? = null, var threeDSRequestorAppURL: String? = null) : Parcelable
The ChallengeParameters class shall hold the parameters that are required to conduct the challenge process. Note: It is mandatory to set values for these parameters.
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EMVCo assigns the ACS this identifier after running the EMV 3-D Secure Testing and Approvals process on the ACS.
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The ACS signed content. This content includes the ACS URL, ACS ephemeral public key, and SDK ephemeral public key.
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Transaction ID assigned by the ACS to uniquely identify a single transaction.
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The setThreeDSRequestorAppURL method may set the 3DS Requestor App URL. If the app sets the URL, then the SDK shall pass the URL in the CReq.
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The 3DS Server Transaction ID. This ID is a transaction identifier assigned by the 3DS Server to uniquely identify a single transaction.