
data class PrimaryButtonColors(@ColorInt val background: Int?, @ColorInt val onBackground: Int, @ColorInt val border: Int, @ColorInt val successBackgroundColor: Int = PRIMARY_BUTTON_SUCCESS_BACKGROUND_COLOR.toArgb(), @ColorInt val onSuccessBackgroundColor: Int = onBackground) : Parcelable


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constructor(background: Int?, onBackground: Int, border: Int)
constructor(background: Color?, onBackground: Color, border: Color)
constructor(background: Color?, onBackground: Color, border: Color, successBackgroundColor: Color = PRIMARY_BUTTON_SUCCESS_BACKGROUND_COLOR, onSuccessBackgroundColor: Color = onBackground)
constructor(@ColorInt background: Int?, @ColorInt onBackground: Int, @ColorInt border: Int, @ColorInt successBackgroundColor: Int = PRIMARY_BUTTON_SUCCESS_BACKGROUND_COLOR.toArgb(), @ColorInt onSuccessBackgroundColor: Int = onBackground)


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object Companion


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The background color of the primary button. Note: If 'null', {@link Colors#primary} is used.

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val border: Int

The border color of the primary button.

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The color of the text and icon in the primary button.

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The success color for the primary button text when in a success state. Defaults to onBackground.

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The background color for the primary button when in a success state. Defaults to base green background color.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)