
A drop-in class that presents a bottom sheet to collect and process a customer's payment.


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constructor(activity: ComponentActivity, callback: PaymentSheetResultCallback)

Constructor to be used when launching PaymentSheet from a ComponentActivity.

constructor(activity: ComponentActivity, externalPaymentMethodConfirmHandler: ExternalPaymentMethodConfirmHandler, callback: PaymentSheetResultCallback)

Constructor to be used when launching PaymentSheet from a ComponentActivity and external payment methods are specified in your Configuration.

constructor(activity: ComponentActivity, createIntentCallback: CreateIntentCallback, paymentResultCallback: PaymentSheetResultCallback)

Constructor to be used when launching PaymentSheet from a ComponentActivity and intending to create and optionally confirm the PaymentIntent or SetupIntent on your server.

constructor(activity: ComponentActivity, createIntentCallback: CreateIntentCallback, externalPaymentMethodConfirmHandler: ExternalPaymentMethodConfirmHandler, paymentResultCallback: PaymentSheetResultCallback)

Constructor to be used when launching PaymentSheet from a ComponentActivity and intending to create and optionally confirm the PaymentIntent or SetupIntent on your server and external payment methods are specified in your Configuration.

constructor(fragment: Fragment, callback: PaymentSheetResultCallback)

Constructor to be used when launching the payment sheet from a Fragment.

constructor(fragment: Fragment, externalPaymentMethodConfirmHandler: ExternalPaymentMethodConfirmHandler, callback: PaymentSheetResultCallback)

Constructor to be used when launching the payment sheet from a Fragment and external payment methods are specified in your Configuration.

constructor(fragment: Fragment, createIntentCallback: CreateIntentCallback, paymentResultCallback: PaymentSheetResultCallback)

Constructor to be used when launching PaymentSheet from a Fragment and intending to create and optionally confirm the PaymentIntent or SetupIntent on your server.

constructor(fragment: Fragment, createIntentCallback: CreateIntentCallback, externalPaymentMethodConfirmHandler: ExternalPaymentMethodConfirmHandler, paymentResultCallback: PaymentSheetResultCallback)

Constructor to be used when launching PaymentSheet from a Fragment and intending to create and optionally confirm the PaymentIntent or SetupIntent on your server and external payment methods are specified in your Configuration.


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data class Address(val city: String? = null, val country: String? = null, val line1: String? = null, val line2: String? = null, val postalCode: String? = null, val state: String? = null) : Parcelable
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data class Appearance(val colorsLight: PaymentSheet.Colors = Colors.defaultLight, val colorsDark: PaymentSheet.Colors = Colors.defaultDark, val shapes: PaymentSheet.Shapes = Shapes.default, val typography: PaymentSheet.Typography = Typography.default, val primaryButton: PaymentSheet.PrimaryButton = PrimaryButton(), embeddedAppearance: PaymentSheet.Appearance.Embedded = Embedded.default) : Parcelable
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data class BillingDetails(val address: PaymentSheet.Address? = null, val email: String? = null, val name: String? = null, val phone: String? = null) : Parcelable
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data class BillingDetailsCollectionConfiguration(val name: PaymentSheet.BillingDetailsCollectionConfiguration.CollectionMode = CollectionMode.Automatic, val phone: PaymentSheet.BillingDetailsCollectionConfiguration.CollectionMode = CollectionMode.Automatic, val email: PaymentSheet.BillingDetailsCollectionConfiguration.CollectionMode = CollectionMode.Automatic, val address: PaymentSheet.BillingDetailsCollectionConfiguration.AddressCollectionMode = AddressCollectionMode.Automatic, val attachDefaultsToPaymentMethod: Boolean = false) : Parcelable

Configuration for how billing details are collected during checkout.

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class Builder(resultCallback: PaymentSheetResultCallback)

Builder to add optional callbacks to PaymentSheet.

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Options to block certain card brands on the client

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data class Colors(@ColorInt val primary: Int, @ColorInt val surface: Int, @ColorInt val component: Int, @ColorInt val componentBorder: Int, @ColorInt val componentDivider: Int, @ColorInt val onComponent: Int, @ColorInt val onSurface: Int, @ColorInt val subtitle: Int, @ColorInt val placeholderText: Int, @ColorInt val appBarIcon: Int, @ColorInt val error: Int) : Parcelable
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object Companion
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Configuration for PaymentSheet

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interface FlowController

A class that presents the individual steps of a payment sheet flow.

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data class GooglePayConfiguration @JvmOverloads constructor(val environment: PaymentSheet.GooglePayConfiguration.Environment, val countryCode: String, val currencyCode: String? = null, val amount: Long? = null, val label: String? = null, val buttonType: PaymentSheet.GooglePayConfiguration.ButtonType = ButtonType.Pay) : Parcelable
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class IntentConfiguration @JvmOverloads constructor(val mode: PaymentSheet.IntentConfiguration.Mode, val paymentMethodTypes: List<String> = emptyList(), val paymentMethodConfigurationId: String? = null, val onBehalfOf: String? = null, requireCvcRecollection: Boolean = false) : Parcelable

Contains information needed to render PaymentSheet. The values are used to calculate the payment methods displayed and influence the UI.

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Defines the layout orientations available for displaying payment methods in PaymentSheet.

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data class PrimaryButton(val colorsLight: PaymentSheet.PrimaryButtonColors = PrimaryButtonColors.defaultLight, val colorsDark: PaymentSheet.PrimaryButtonColors = PrimaryButtonColors.defaultDark, val shape: PaymentSheet.PrimaryButtonShape = PrimaryButtonShape(), val typography: PaymentSheet.PrimaryButtonTypography = PrimaryButtonTypography()) : Parcelable
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data class PrimaryButtonColors(@ColorInt val background: Int?, @ColorInt val onBackground: Int, @ColorInt val border: Int, @ColorInt val successBackgroundColor: Int = PRIMARY_BUTTON_SUCCESS_BACKGROUND_COLOR.toArgb(), @ColorInt val onSuccessBackgroundColor: Int = onBackground) : Parcelable
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data class PrimaryButtonShape(val cornerRadiusDp: Float? = null, val borderStrokeWidthDp: Float? = null) : Parcelable
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data class PrimaryButtonTypography(@FontRes val fontResId: Int? = null, val fontSizeSp: Float? = null) : Parcelable
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data class Shapes(val cornerRadiusDp: Float, val borderStrokeWidthDp: Float) : Parcelable
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data class Typography(val sizeScaleFactor: Float, @FontRes val fontResId: Int?) : Parcelable


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fun presentWithPaymentIntent(paymentIntentClientSecret: String, configuration: PaymentSheet.Configuration? = null)

Present PaymentSheet to process a PaymentIntent.

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fun presentWithSetupIntent(setupIntentClientSecret: String, configuration: PaymentSheet.Configuration? = null)

Present PaymentSheet to process a SetupIntent.