
sealed class Mode : Parcelable

Contains information about the desired payment or setup flow.



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class Payment @JvmOverloads constructor(val amount: Long, val currency: String, setupFutureUse: PaymentSheet.IntentConfiguration.SetupFutureUse? = null, captureMethod: PaymentSheet.IntentConfiguration.CaptureMethod = CaptureMethod.Automatic) : PaymentSheet.IntentConfiguration.Mode

Use this if your integration creates a PaymentIntent.

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class Setup @JvmOverloads constructor(val currency: String? = null, setupFutureUse: PaymentSheet.IntentConfiguration.SetupFutureUse = SetupFutureUse.OffSession) : PaymentSheet.IntentConfiguration.Mode

Use this if your integration creates a SetupIntent.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)