data class Use3DS2( val source: String, val serverName: String, val transactionId: String, val serverEncryption: StripeIntent.NextActionData.SdkData.Use3DS2.DirectoryServerEncryption, val threeDS2IntentId: String?, val publishableKey: String?) : StripeIntent.NextActionData.SdkData
Contains all parameters needed to perform a 3DS2 authentication.
The id of the PI/SI used to authenticate using 3DS2. When non-null, indicates that a different PI/SI is used for authentication. That is the case for payments using Link, for example, which use a global merchant for authentication since the payment method is added to the consumer's global (not merchant-specific) account.
The publishable key that should be used to make 3DS2-related API calls. It will only be non-null when the 3DS2 calls should be made with a key different than the original merchant's key.
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data class DirectoryServerEncryption( val directoryServerId: String, val dsCertificateData: String, val rootCertsData: List<String>, val keyId: String?) : Parcelable